Questing about VPS's and i should buy this one.

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hey folks,

so basicly i want a VPS, altough im complete fucking new.

So from my understanding, a vps is kinda a linux or windows pc away from home,
which i would love for hosting a tiny minecraft or source server, or fuck around with programming.

So, could i use a vps for it, and should i buy this one?:
its a low end virtual system ofc, but fucking hell 9 euro's man i dont need or expect more



you can also get windows for the same pricing, im not a complete noob so i probably know how linux works, would it matter?
From my personal experince having a VPS is a life saver, it stops shitty Hamachi and port forwarding and is the most useful thing to have. It's great to use for anything from servers (for you and friends) to whatever you like.
From my personal experince having a VPS is a life saver, it stops shitty Hamachi and port forwarding and is the most useful thing to have. It's great to use for anything from servers (for you and friends) to whatever you like.

Hamachi is fucking aids

neitherway i know how to portforward and had servers running on my home network. even having some DNS rented for it
Reason why i actualy want a cheap server is:
  1. Incase of some dickhead (D)dos'ing i have no problems with my home internet.
  2. so i dont have my home network(with fucking NAS open and everything) voulnerable
  3. i can use my PC without lagg or the fear of a power outage
  4. a nice offsite back-up incase my NAS goes FUBAR (Which already is offsite so i have an offsite backup which is backup up off-site which also has an offsite backup)

thanks for your reply
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Hamachi is fucking aids
  1. ddos'ing wouldnt matter to my house

Are you behind 7 proxies and do you have OVH enterprise level attack mitigation? Nice.


Go for it, never hurts to have a VPS.

Might want to look into a RDP seeing as they normally have way more RAM, depending on what you want to work with.
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