Question about demos and geforce now

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Now as you probably know if you’re playing perp on geforce now you cannot acsess your demos. My questions is since you’re using geforce now and that is your reason for not providing your demo can you still get banned for 1.4?
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Reactions: A1L
No because other people can still access demos should you decide to upload them
An alternative could be to manually record everything on your main PC, yes?
We've not actually come across an instance where we've needed someones demos & they've been using Geforce Now. But you are absolutely required to provide demos to staff members if requested to. Sometimes we need the full demo, but often issues can be dealt with by a recording of your perspective which you can easily do even with Geforce Now running.

I advise everybody using Geforce Now to be aware of this, and ensure that you've got some form of recording software running constantly. If for whatever reason a staff members requires a demo, it'll be you who is going to be (in the shit).

Hope this cleared it up.
Hide all your porn on your PC and then just share screen with the admin or something. Ezpz
Can’t get demoted for noclip raiding if my demos delete every 4 hours
I was quite scared of being permanently banned when I first began playing with it however it was my only option besides not playing it at all which was hard cus I missed it so much. You can hope that the staff member requests your demo when you are still on that same session otherwise you can pretty much kiss your ass goodbye. My solution to this is downloading OBS and using replay buffer (same thing as shadowplay basically) and setting the timeframe to 5-10 minutes so that whenever you think someone might make an AR or anything, you’re ready with your perspective. You’ve been here for a while and I’d hope you would have each and every rule memorized because of your record and if you stay clean you shouldn’t have a problem.

Suspected cheating is another thing but in your 2 years of perp you’ve never gotten a single confirmed kill so yeah forget that.

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