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Hello sorry for making a new thread but i couldnt find any place appropiate to ask, so i will ask here
if anyone could make a guide to find the drug dealer.
Ive spent like 2 hours trying to find him with no luck, and whenever i ask people either they dont know or ill get a rude response. :)
There's certain locations around the map where he could be that have to remain disclosed for the best roleplay experience.

You will have to find him or ask somebody ICly, once you've sold 150k of drugs I THINK it is, then you will receive a text with his location, every time he moves.
Unfortunately, since the whole reason for having the drug dealer move around the map was to make it harder to sell drugs. There are only a few places on the map where he can be (not sure on exact number, I can think of 4). My best advice is either ask some people (large orgs are the best for this) if you can "grow some crops" with them and if they know, they'll tell you OR go to every single shady place on the map, you'll find him eventually.

Hope this helps, good luck
Yeah i know about the eight locations, but i only know 2 of them and i've looked the whole map trough like 4 times.. it would just be nice with a map guide and some red dots maybe where he could be for newbies like me, because it kinda ruins it when you look for so long with no luck...
There's 8 different locations. They change around 4 hours(I think) but the exact spots have to be found IC. He is located mostly at spots like alleyways etc... Or look for the PH Graffiti, it might help.

Hope this helps :)
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