quick clips of Rogue dying and some other stuff

Well, you don't see a SWAT van ram into a building everyday.

But seriously the SWAT van.. He's driving next to you and you guys are having a chat!? He's just watching you guys raid. Something needs to be done...
If I didn't delete my perp footage I would have a ridiculous amount of clips of rogue retard matiz tyres dying, mostly me killing him probs
I got banned for 3,4 in my montage,for only 1 clip and here......
The clips where I appeared in with rogue happened in a total of 1 hour. He literally died for the dumbest reasons in 1 hour l0l
Can't wait for 7 people being banned for unrealistic actions even though it effected nobody ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

@Pvt. Jeff feelsbad when you shoot TFU Lt and break a policy :'D cya on IA

@D3V you're fucking aids with that van

as you were HUS-KEY x?