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Professional Stripper
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Ryan / DeShawn mendez
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Billy Joel / Daigestive @Daigestive
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42747555
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Constant offense in OOC and being toxic.

Evidence (Demo Required):


You can see what I was typing in logs and what you was typing also admins can check the logs. You were being very toxic towards a number of players including myself

he user knows I have a son and thinks its funny to call me a druggie daddy and tell me to spend time with my kid which is none of his business to be fair.

He knows the rules as he is a regular player, just feels like being toxic?

D3V Even removed one of his sly comments and he stopped, for a while.

He often makes comments like these IG & Sometimes in shoutbox.

User already been warned for shit like this before.


Different situation. This is where you were toxic to me after it for no reason with 0 interaction in-game just attention seeking. Hurt my feelings. Do you think suicide is a joke? I wouldnt smile about that buddy.
@Rodney its from your AR. Not you, why would I call someone that claims to be a dad a virgin? I was speaking to the person that RDM'd me. Stop lying how can you be banned and post in OOC the same time.
@Daigestive You literally just said it was after that case? When it wasn't. This message is a retaliation to your bundle of sick messages in OOC & Forums? If you think its a joke to call me a druggie daddy and a liar etc etc then a simple 'KYS' is nothing compared to that as if you are going to do it your supposed to be 18 and in college working yet your on a PERP server calling me childish to defend your case when really, you broke many rules but are protected. :)
Daiestive is saying I made this comment after but you can check the logs please I would really want to prove it as he showing only 1 log message and has given no date/time. I have the exact date and time of the night and would like a log check.

Date : Monday 11 March 2019 (11/03/19)

Time : 12AM - 2AM GMT (UK)

Just gonna wait until staff deals with this cba to give you the satisfaction of a reaponse, got to pick the boy up at 3 from school.
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