RDM Gang AR - I want my 5 mins back

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Professional Stripper
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Daigestive
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ian Doe and Cobra @happyco @cobra68baby

His/Her SteamID: https://bans.perpheads.com/?search=STEAM_0:0:59571163 https://bans.perpheads.com/?search=STEAM_0:0:63032656
Why Should This Player Be Punished: RDM, 3.20
Dced in cuffs both attempting to mass rdm multiple times, Ian Doe in the video decides to shoot me for no reason rather than ticketing his car. After I respawned I was at ch as a civ and Ian Doe decided to start punching me with no interaction after I spawned for no reason trying to kill me again. Cobra as RC ran over marcus before dcing instantly. When both were being arrested they kept disconnecting, after being cuffed again they'd disconnect.

  • both been dcing in cuffs constantly
  • both been rdming, 1 as civ and the other as RC.
Evidence (Demo Required): Loggs on both for dcing, cobra ran over marcus hudson as rc before dcing
Tick: The song which inspired me to buy the harmonica
@Ezza and @A1L might have more evidence if needed
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Was in-game to witness Cobra being insanely toxic in OOC and also witnessed him just being an all-round minge in-game
Was in the mercedes and was tired of these guys just trolling so decided to step in and help a bit, I've never seen as much toxicity as Cobra and happyco.
I can attest to Ian’s RDM. At one point that night I was helping him with a broken down vehicle, and he randomly pulled out a pistol and shot me in the head for no reason I knew of. I can post evidence if needed.
I can also comment on cobra's minging as SS yesterday, I don't think I shadowplayed anything. Will check when I get home.
Cobra was indeed minging, he smashed into my vehicle when he was RC outside the PD then got into a police chase and then disconnected when he got forcefully stopped.
I am appalled with this slander. I have over 15 days of playtime on this server and if I am what you falsely state I am I would of been banned along time ago...
Daigestive you were minging all night as you constantly arrested me for things I did not do. As well as doing this you were arresting me for things that happened in my past life which you were fully aware of.
If you want to play this game i'll happily upload my demo of the whole situation.
That's a great friend lol. You help a dude out with his car, and he decides to shoot over it. SO MANY QUESTIONS WTF HAHA
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