Police Suggestion Rebalancing of RTU cars

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Brief description of idea: I think that RTU vechicles should be rebalanced in a way that makes them all useful in certain situations, and the porche is not the only car, that lower ranks use(Below SGT).

My idea is: Nerf the speed of the porche, as its hard to control at high speeds(you can loose control over the car even while driving straight and making a small turn), and better in tactical contact(big heavy), T-PAC(big, heavy), and rolling roadblock(big, heavy). Buff the speed of the BMW to make it at least useful. I don't see a purpose of giving RTU officers the BMW as its speed is a bit better than the regular PD cars, but it just accelerates quicker. The BMW drives better, is smaller, worse for contact and T-PAC, but should be useful in pursuing high speed cars. Even logically it makes sense as the BMW is lighter and its engine is big 340i, so the car should have better stats.

I think the mercedes could be buffed, so it can really catch up to the fastest vechicles, as not many officers, can access it anyway, but the most experienced ones will stand better chances while pursuing the most expensive max upgraded cars. It might influence the whole vechicle balance on the server tho.

The unmarked cars have the same issue, the opel/Vauxhall insignia is the quickest, and the rest of the cars Audi/Mitsubishi are not being used, because of the statistic. I think unmarked cars have to be very similar in stats, as police officers could exchange them, when they have been recognized, and the change of the car shouldnt influence the performance of the officers(slower car, less chances in pursuit).

What benefits would this idea have for the department: Better usage of unmarked cars for their purpose(staying unrecognized). Probably bigger variety of cars used by officers. Less cars considered among officers as "useless"("Why would you take the BMW as its slower"). Better chances of catching the fastest cars by experienced officers in the mercedes.

Maybe the info about the changes(if the changes will be made) should be included.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: Many officers probably won't check this suggestion/updates so they won't immediately notice the changes. I can't see any other downsides for the Departament.

Other additions: Of course we cant forget it will affect the general balance of cars on the whole server, that's why im not sure about buffing the mercedes, but i think rest of the changes should be considered.
Brief description of idea: I think that RTU vechicles should be rebalanced in a way that makes them all useful in certain situations, and the porche is not the only car, that lower ranks use(Below SGT).

My idea is: Nerf the speed of the porche, as its hard to control at high speeds(you can loose control over the car even while driving straight and making a small turn), and better in tactical contact(big heavy), T-PAC(big, heavy), and rolling roadblock(big, heavy). Buff the speed of the BMW to make it at least useful. I don't see a purpose of giving RTU officers the BMW as its speed is a bit better than the regular PD cars, but it just accelerates quicker. The BMW drives better, is smaller, worse for contact and T-PAC, but should be useful in pursuing high speed cars. Even logically it makes sense as the BMW is lighter and its engine is big 340i, so the car should have better stats.

I think the mercedes could be buffed, so it can really catch up to the fastest vechicles, as not many officers, can access it anyway, but the most experienced ones will stand better chances while pursuing the most expensive max upgraded cars. It might influence the whole vechicle balance on the server tho.

The unmarked cars have the same issue, the opel/Vauxhall insignia is the quickest, and the rest of the cars Audi/Mitsubishi are not being used, because of the statistic. I think unmarked cars have to be very similar in stats, as police officers could exchange them, when they have been recognized, and the change of the car shouldnt influence the performance of the officers(slower car, less chances in pursuit).

What benefits would this idea have for the department: Better usage of unmarked cars for their purpose(staying unrecognized). Probably bigger variety of cars used by officers. Less cars considered among officers as "useless"("Why would you take the BMW as its slower"). Better chances of catching the fastest cars by experienced officers in the mercedes.

Maybe the info about the changes(if the changes will be made) should be included.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: Many officers probably won't check this suggestion/updates so they won't immediately notice the changes. I can't see any other downsides for the Departament.

Other additions: Of course we cant forget it will affect the general balance of cars on the whole server, that's why im not sure about buffing the mercedes, but i think rest of the changes should be considered.
there's a few problems with this and ill explain them now, the Porsche does not need nerfing at one point it used to go 130mph all RTU cars have their roles this being:
Porsche is the RTU brute its role is semi high speed enforcement that can perform RTU manoeuvres on almost any vehicle due to its sheer size and mass.
BMW is for general RTU purposes yes its speed is not as fast as the Mercedes SLR or the Porsche but its about how the officer uses the BMW, I use this BMW all the time and 9 times out of 10 in a pursuit I'm able to keep up with the offender because the BMW is agile and has great acceleration on its side which is why I like the marked BMW the most. 'Buff the speed of the BMW to make it at least useful.' it is useful and I do not see it needed a buff i would say if u are in need of training in the Porsche in terms of handling or training then send a message to RTU command or trainers and we can sort some training out for you in these fields so you can feel more confident whilst operating said vehicles.
now the Mercedes SLR does not need to go faster than 130mph its perfectly fine as it is and its not always being used anyway as policy demands it should only be used if a traffic incident demands it. so its of my own opinion and many others that the RTU SLR does not need a buff in speed as of right now it performs great.
as for the unmarked cars they all have their roles , the insignia and BMW unmarked are generally used for unmarked patrolling and the Audi due to its speed and sometimes the lancer these are used for stake outs and to gather information usually from what I have seen on people entering properties and leaving areas as not many people ever use the unmarked Audi or Evo hence why many civilians are not alerted to the presence of police when its parked up trying to find someone but as for the unmarked BMW and insignia these unmarked units can be spotted by seasoned players fairly easily but as I have just stated they all serve a great purpose and in the right traffic officers hands they can be used to the full extent as I use all of the RTU vehicles and perform my duties excellently in them all, its about the officer not the car.
there's a few problems with this and ill explain them now, the Porsche does not need nerfing at one point it used to go 130mph all RTU cars have their roles this being:
Porsche is the RTU brute its role is semi high speed enforcement that can perform RTU manoeuvres on almost any vehicle due to its sheer size and mass.
BMW is for general RTU purposes yes its speed is not as fast as the Mercedes SLR or the Porsche but its about how the officer uses the BMW, I use this BMW all the time and 9 times out of 10 in a pursuit I'm able to keep up with the offender because the BMW is agile and has great acceleration on its side which is why I like the marked BMW the most. 'Buff the speed of the BMW to make it at least useful.' it is useful and I do not see it needed a buff i would say if u are in need of training in the Porsche in terms of handling or training then send a message to RTU command or trainers and we can sort some training out for you in these fields so you can feel more confident whilst operating said vehicles.
now the Mercedes SLR does not need to go faster than 130mph its perfectly fine as it is and its not always being used anyway as policy demands it should only be used if a traffic incident demands it. so its of my own opinion and many others that the RTU SLR does not need a buff in speed as of right now it performs great.
as for the unmarked cars they all have their roles , the insignia and BMW unmarked are generally used for unmarked patrolling and the Audi due to its speed and sometimes the lancer these are used for stake outs and to gather information usually from what I have seen on people entering properties and leaving areas as not many people ever use the unmarked Audi or Evo hence why many civilians are not alerted to the presence of police when its parked up trying to find someone but as for the unmarked BMW and insignia these unmarked units can be spotted by seasoned players fairly easily but as I have just stated they all serve a great purpose and in the right traffic officers hands they can be used to the full extent as I use all of the RTU vehicles and perform my duties excellently in them all, its about the officer not the car.
I Strongly agree. It's about the officer driving the car. how he uses his equipment to catch the criminal/suspect. i've seen RTU officers use their BMW's as a roadblock. instead of spikes. which was creative. It's how the officer thinks. and adepts to the level of creativeness that RTU wants.

As for debufifng and buffing. it's not needed. as Ezio said. "The porsche is the RTU brute" it's like saying to TFU to strip their weapons down. and send them on patrol with only a pistol and a couple nades. it's their equipment. they need it to operate in raids/shootouts ETC. ETC. ETC. (Same goes for RTU. they need it to operate in high speed pursuits, raids, car thiefs. ETC)
Porsche deserves a nerf, it’s a big RTU vehicle that can be utilised for tactical contact and such but to see it zoom down a street just looks ridiculous and the speed should rather be given to the BMW or SLR where those vehicles clearly show capability of gaining much higher speed but at the cost of not having a big vehicle for contact. I’ve always thought the buff was stupid even while I was in RTU.
Porsche deserves a nerf, it’s a big RTU vehicle that can be utilised for tactical contact and such but to see it zoom down a street just looks ridiculous and the speed should rather be given to the BMW or SLR where those vehicles clearly show capability of gaining much higher speed but at the cost of not having a big vehicle for contact. I’ve always thought the buff was stupid even while I was in RTU.
Then TFU should also get nerfed As i said RTU and TFU have their own special operations. if you want to nerf RTU you should also nerf TFU
Porsche deserves a nerf, it’s a big RTU vehicle that can be utilised for tactical contact and such but to see it zoom down a street just looks ridiculous and the speed should rather be given to the BMW or SLR where those vehicles clearly show capability of gaining much higher speed but at the cost of not having a big vehicle for contact. I’ve always thought the buff was stupid even while I was in RTU.
Porsche looks a little funny, I'll give you that, but the light-weight BMW can't do much when it does catch up. The Porsche could probably do with a slight top speed nerf, but keep its acceleration.

Then TFU should also get nerfed As i said RTU and TFU have their own special operations. if you want to nerf RTU you should also nerf TFU
This makes no sense. TFU is not the topic of this conversation at all.
@Exnem Acceleration isn’t a problem for sure, it should remain high since they are going to be deploying spikes then quickly chasing the vehicle is it’s a success or fail, so that makes logical sense here
This discussion is ongoing to some degree. In the end it will be upto the chiefs but. I agree the porsche should be rebalanced. There is 2 ways of doing this, Nerfing its top speed significantly OR serverly tampering with its acceleration making it alot less usefull in for example subs or city driving and purely focused on highway driving. This would give a significant buff to the SL65 as all-round interceptor and makes the BMW more viable in a more urban enviroment without any other changes.

Ofcourse this is just an idea but the porsche is everyones favorite for a reason, It is the current meta and outpeforms its counterparts in every single aspect
Im glad that my post brought up a useful discussion. The info i got for creating the post comes from the RTU handbook, and my own feelings about the cars. The handbook explain roles of unmarked cars and speed of all the vechicles is listed there. Although i cant belive that the BMW catches up to the suspects with Vmax at 98mph. By nerfing the Porche i meant kinda exchanging it for the BMW in terms of catching up, maybe even making the BMW faster than the porche is now(108mph), because it will be better to catch up and just follow the suspect, not to loose them from sight, but not really engage in stopping the car, which will make pursuits more interesting. Im not really keen on the info given about the cars in the handbook.
In example
BMW is good, but Porche is better - its literally the sense of the explanation. Cant understand why BMW is better for roadblocks, as its lighter, so vulnerable to being moved around when hit. The speedtraps... I try to set them up sometimes, I know some people do so too, but many, and I mean MANY officers doesnt care about doing so. I personally think that the speeds and descriptions should be just swapped between them.

Here they just forgot or missed the purpose of Audi and Mitsu. Again Vauxhall is clearly superior, and the BMW is 2nd place. 2mph more of the BMW is not superior over Vauxhall acceleration.

About the mercedes, as I said, I do not have any good data about it, as last time I drove it daily was 2 years ago and many things have changed.
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Porsche deserves a nerf, it’s a big RTU vehicle that can be utilised for tactical contact and such but to see it zoom down a street just looks ridiculous and the speed should rather be given to the BMW or SLR where those vehicles clearly show capability of gaining much higher speed but at the cost of not having a big vehicle for contact. I’ve always thought the buff was stupid even while I was in RTU.
I agree to this, with an addition. Why make Porche superior with everything, and leave the BMW as its now. Cant seem to understand why its faster, better for everyting except from acceleration. The real deal is Porche is still better in roadblocks 4 sure, and probably in speedtraps, aswell, as you can't really jump in and go 100mph immediately in the BMW, so the additional 10mph of porche will just let you catch up the gap, instead of BMW acceleration.

10 MPH gap between the cars is A LOT, thats why I find the BMW useless, although the look of it is 1000000x better (I am a big fan of BMW myself ;) )
Even Polish police group SPEED uses BMW as pursuit vechicles, and i think there is a reason why they dont use SUVs.
Picture related
I'm not RTU so my opinion really does not have any weight in it but I find it weird how everyone can claim the Porsche which is the fastest vehicle when the general intent of the SL65 was/is(?) to be the fast pursuit vehicle instead of the Porsche that outperforms it in every aspect, it can also transport prisoners which is probably also why it is used so much.

It's big and bulky and I'm surprised how it got buffed this much and still hasn't gone some tweaks after all this time.
at one point it used to go 130mph
It only did 130mph because someone who just happened to be entrusted with rebalancing cars for an update thought it would be a good idea to fuck around with its speed stat so it equalled the interceptor and not tell anyone.

Allow me to put something into perspective for you guys regarding the RTU porsche:
1: it is available to everyone in RTU with no limit or rank requirement. It is just as available as a crown Victoria. For some reason, it is also the second fastest car in the PD despite being tied for the largest patrolling vehicle that isn’t a van. It also has no rank requirement.
2: It’s current speed exceeds that of cars that are 2 million dollars, and Since most of RTU are regular cop users who mostly only play cop, wt least half the PD during active days are able to drive at 110+mph consistently.
3: The BMW would suit these speed buff miles better than the Porsche would. I have no idea why the Porsche was chosen to be extremely fast. The Porsche was originally removed from the PD in favour of the BMW.

Then TFU should also get nerfed As i said RTU and TFU have their own special operations. if you want to nerf RTU you should also nerf TFU
And why is this a logical step regarding this suggestion? Simply bringing the Porsche down to a double digit number that scratches triple digits in speed is a fair suggestion. TFU were already neutered significantly over the years anyways. TFU are given equipment and numbers that rival major organisations, not dominate it. But I won’t elaborate further on this point since it’s not the course of discussion.

Im downvoting the idea due to the Mercedes buff and the unmarked car buff, neither of these vehicles need more speed. I regularly use the Mercedes for traffic duties since I’m more of a tactical assistance officer than a general policing officer.
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Why only nerf RTU? why not TFU?

But i do understand what Benji says
Because RTU literally has nothing to do with TFU and I don’t even know why you’re bringing it up, can we keep this on topic please and instead create a thread regarding TFU if you want something nerfed
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