Recent Bug Exploitations

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As I'm sure many of you have noticed two of our long term Administrators have been permanently banned from the server alongside various other community members. The reasoning behind this decision is that there was a bug in the newly implemented ‘Search & Confiscate’ feature for white listed LEOs which, if exploited, would lead to considerable financial gain to those who exploited it. Upon inspecting the logs @Fredy discovered some suspicious behaviour being exhibited by Standish and Lockwood, this suspicious behaviour included the repeated confiscation of M24s and Flashbangs. After looking into the situation we discovered this originated from the aforementioned bug. To our disappointment we did indeed come to the conclusion that they had been exploiting the bug, we do not know what their motive behind doing it was. However, in order to maintain an efficient and functional staff team we require the utmost trust in every individual within it. Even though the financial gain of their actions was undoubtedly small, the trust between us was irreversibly broken and for this reason they have been removed from their position within the team and been permanently banned from the server, as would happen to any regular user.
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Aren't both of them filthy rich? I don't know why they did this.
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I don't know why everyone is so butt-hurt about this, If they did it and removed the cash later on why is that disappointing? They could have kept it but instead they didn't. It's all just a bit silly really
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Unfortunate to see this happen. People need to think however: This opens room for many other quality staff members which we have to take up the mantle and prove that they are better than those we lost. It would be satisfying seeing others take up the position of Administrator and Senior Administrator.

Personally, I do not see why these people would exploit a bug with such huge risks despite the "financial gain of their actions was undoubtedly small" but their judgement was suited to the situation. They broke the rules and received punishment for their actions as any other user would have.

Enjoy the future lads,
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Behind you
Just as they say every cigarette steals ten minutes of your life,

the loss of Lockwood and Standish, accompanied by the recent resignations and demotions of other staff team members (If you can call it a team), surly has the safe effect on PH.

It is only a matter of time.

As a previous member of the staff team, I can say corruption has always been strife within the staff team. Even from the early days. However, the saving grace for most, is who you know. Even today, almost every staff member is guilty of serious rule breakage, most on a regular basis.

Still, the playerbase has shifted massively over the years. With each 'new age' bringing more and more upsidedown syndrome. In turn causing the leaving of many a good member. Now, this community is almost unrecogniable from what it once was, and not in a good sense.

Therefore, its not the actions of today, that trouble me. But simply the hypocrisy, the Senior Administration acting as if they don't know about the wide array of corruption that plagues the staff team. After all, recognising such corruption, would only stain their image as much as it would pull the community apart.

So really, the actions taken today mean nothing. PH will continue along the misguided path its taken. Another two long serving staff members have been pushed out (That are only as innocent as the rest), and the void will be filled with more incompetency.

Congratulations staff team, for sacrificing two of your most important assets to ensure the rest of you continue to look squeaky clean.


For those of you who are interested in evidence, I was friends with most of the staff team who abused, so never deemed it necessary to collect evidence against them.

This post is not about a witch hunt, or to get the truth out there. I and 90% of the staff team know that everything I've said above is 100% true.

This post is my closing statement. I've been here a long time, I know what its like. A year ago (Maybe a bit longer to be honest), I'd have cared, maybe even tried to do something about it.

Now however, I really hope you call me out:

I want Jordan to keep being the class comedian he is, and downplay everything I've said.

I want intelligent, respected members of the community like Hazza to continue to call me out on what I've said.

I want powerful staff team members, such as LordTyla to make hilarious youtube videos about the situation.

I want the rest of this community to engage in the banter, and laugh, and have a jolly old time.

Because, in doing so, Standish, Lockwood, the community members who don't have autism, and I, will also be laughing. For we know, your ignorance to accept what I've said, and simply laugh it off, is only another blow to this community, again shorting its life (Just like those cigarettes).

So please, the more dumb ratings, the more banterous comments, the better (For us).

I wish you all the best


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What is this, just a way to embarrass and disgrace the ex-staff members?
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What.. No. Is this actually serious?
So sad.. I, can't even believe this.
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double mini roundabout
They were great members of this community. But their unknowing consequences came due to this situation.
Perhaps they were bored of being dedicated to this community hence to why they did it.
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Wall of text
I'm not going to be using the comment section because of the character limit.
You claim, that recent demotions, resignations and rejigs in the staff team have brought the community closer and closer to its death, yet this has been the rhetoric of many all throughout the life of PH. You just have to look at the demotion/resignation of members such as Luke, Menta, Ind, Alex_:D and many more. Yet, PERPHeads has gone from strength to strength.

Moving onto your point surrounding corruption; you speak of internal hypocrisy within the senior administration team yet contradict your own points? Surely the demotion and subsequent banning of these two proves that they are aware and they do take action against it. I know that the 'investigation' into this took a few days, if the senior team surely didn't give a shit then they'd have either ignored it or decided on action straight away without digging deeper. @Fredy @Bolli and @MoronPipllyd did work hard in finding the truth, they even collated their evidence for internal review so they could spot any mistakes each other had made.

It's no big secret that I'm not always @Bolli 's biggest fan, yet I absolutely refuse to let your slanderous, baseless comments tarnish the reputation of a staff team that DO work to combat internal corruption. I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure that Moron was pretty close with both of them, as were many other senior staff. It takes balls to demote someone who is/was your mate.

It's also worth noting that you moan about the standard of the community, yet contribute absolutely nothing yourself apart from trouble. You voice your concerns in the least constructive way and every time something happens that you don't like (for example this, or org wars) you spout off the most horrendous lies about others so you seem like the big man.

Why don't you disclose details of this endemic corruption that you claim exists, if you do it in a public way with evidence then surely those involved will be held accountable? PERPHeads after all is essentially a business. Without trust and a reputation, there are no players, without players there is no income and without income there is no server.
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