I’d like to thank but also recommend the staff that were present and assisted in the Halloween event
I participated as an officer and our operation was codenamed: Fishtank by @Samuel . Samuel did great by giving officers their own roles in the zombie hoard and made a fun, yet very tactical positioning strategy for all officers to follow.
Thank you to @ayjay ツ and @TinySlayer and @Bolli for getting the whole event sorted and dealing with the problems others caused and for making a cool event. The emergency broadcasts were interesting to listen to and they surprised me quite a bit, @ayjay ツ as mayor gave realistic type explenations and context to the whole zombie apocalypse and @ayjay ツ and @TinySlayer and @Bolli provided weapons for those who wanted to join in with the fun and chaos of all the event to not make people run Around with their own things.
Thank you for hosting such an event and it was great seeing a server packed to the brim (besides the lag that came with it).
Thank you to the other moderators and admins that attended and assisted too!