Reconsideration: Speed enforcer

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Topic: Speed enforcer

Short explanation (in notes):
- Battering ram 'tool'
- Access to resupply of armor/kevlar vest as speed enforcement officer.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

Battering ram 'tool':
- The battering ram should be added so that the speed enforcement officers can force a suspect out of a vehicle as quickly and efficiently as regular officers. The speed enforcement officers don't have any service pistol and they are therefore unable to order a suspect out of a vehicle while aiming at him/her (in accordance to law 11.11). The battering ram belonging to the speed enforcer should not have the ability to participate in police raids.

Access to resupply of armor/kevlar vest as speed enforcement officer:
- They're in constant risk of getting injured like their fellow LEOs. I don't see the point in restricting this option to every other officer apart from the speed enforcement officer(s).

The first video shows what "tools" the current speed enforcement officer has available:

The second video shows what "tools" the current regular police officer has available:

The thrid video is an example in which a speed enforcement officer has been shot but later denied more resupply of armor at the armoury within Paralake Police Department:

Keep in mind that these videos are "rough" examples of situations which LEOs might encounter and they should not be taken too seriously.

Thanks to @Madda and @GraveDinosaur for helping me with this suggestion.

Optional additions:
- (Already suggested and denied I guess but a slightly different uniform; reflective vest) - mainly for road safety reasons.

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