Refund for some clientside issues

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Description of the idea: One of the things that almost 95%+ of the community experience is their game suddenly freezing up, happens especially while driving. Baiscally allow staff to give out refunds for this as you could play any other server and you wouldn't experience this issue. Its essentially a clientside bug caused by the server. Its pretty annoying T1ing or T2ing your car due to this bug and it literally takes a staff member 1-2 minutes max to check logs to make sure this wasn't caused from some other reason and then select repair vehicle from their godstick and left click on the car.

Why should this be added? (pros): Happier community for not having to deal with something thats caused due to the gamemode

What negatives could this have? (cons): People falsifying their evidence however I can't see many people deliberatley throwing their car against a wall for a free repair

*Other additions: [list here]

*Images: using kempotents as I think its one of the best examples of some lagging then crashing their car, making a rr and it being denied
It's fairly trivial to cut a video of you driving badly and crashing to look like the one you have linked. If we did this, you would need players to provide their raw demo files for every incident like this. Even then, not all client side freezes are visible in demos. This a significant amount of effort for both the player and the staff member, so there would need to be some kind of higher value limit if this was ever implemented.
Would be nice but you'd have RR's for shit like "My fps dropped during a raid because cop lights outside" And shit. On top of this, forging evidence could be done even with windows movie maker and basic understanding of audacity.

Lovely idea, but its a no from me.
Yeah thats a fair point about fps drops, maybe additional requirements could be added? I think in terms of forging evidence I can't see why you would forge evidence for something that would be pretty obvious like driving into a wall 120mph.
Gmod is outdated and clunky, it freezes and crashes on servers sometimes because we're pushing it to the limit, you just gotta suck it up.
This is really a good idea because it's not fair like yesterday my game froze as I was going to suburbs ramp BOOM t1 and dead when it comes back, how is this fair for me to pay 26k just because my game froze? My ping and my fps weren't affected before or after that just game froze and boom. In RP I would have driven up the ramp and gone but obv that didn't work as expected, not everyone has good internet / pc's and posting a demo each time would be annoying af as well but if a staff literally fixes it for free and they can genuinely see that it's not "faked" then why not? IF the situation seems sketchy or not client side then sure let them ask for demo or make RR but if it seems too obvious like why would anyone drive their car straight into a wall? without even turning? then I mean why can't they just fix it? It's not IC and it shouldn't have to be paid for IC
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