Regarding 1.2 (Discrimination)

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Thank you to @GrandadPyjamas for bringing this issue to my attention. @Bolli and I have decided some changes need to be made.

Race in recent years has obviously become a contentious topic, more so than ever. Obviously, prior to this we have allowed it under the guise of "roleplay". But when it comes to the point at which we have members of racial minorities being scared to use their real names out of fear of being racially abused "in-character" then we have an issue. No one in this community should feel uncomfortable as a result of their identity, racially or otherwise. In line with this rhetoric, we have updated the rule 1.2 to cover in-character acts of discrimination:

Any form of discrimination is not tolerated in an out-of-character context. Racism and homophobia are not tolerated in-character. Other forms of discrimination, whereas discouraged, are allowed in-character and are subject to the discretion of the players involved.

If a player is uncomfortable with the use of discriminatory language, they may request it to stop in LOOC chat or a report. All players involved must respect this.

Additionally, players may not knowingly use details of another player’s personal life or identity to discriminate against them.

This is not up for discussion, however, I will leave the thread open as discourse regarding this subject is necessary for people to understand the issues we face. It is entirely possible to have civil conversations regarding this topic however if you cannot manage this you will be removed from the thread.

Thank you,

Senior Administration and Community Team.
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Will I as a player be punished for saying the N-word in-character? If so, I believe this change is good even though I do not entirely agree with it I think this is a good change and it's something that's necessary.
Thank you for understanding and implementing a change that directly applies to the situation.

I'd like to add that I'm not offended by little, insignificant, and clearly unoffensive comments like "Muslim Jay Hatch" and comments about Allah and the Prophets and such. I am, however, offended by comments directed towards me with blatant malicious intent. I have been called p**i, terrorist, immigrant (etc) in passing and directly by both experienced and inexperienced players. I also personally know black players who have left the server for similar comments made towards them and they have not rejoined since. The people that have called me these things know who they are, it's not a joke as I have explained multiple times.

ps. I was called Zack Robberts and Edwin Dayne for 6 years because I was so frequently insulted. It's so sad.
I am genuinely sorry to hear this, I wish I had made this change sooner.
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I've already privately voiced my concern with the rules wording as is as quite frankly, I could ban someone who calls me a slag in character, As that is a derogatory term.

The question is how can we determine what would be an offensive slur banished from use of language and what would just be common bad language?

I'm going to cite an example here. The word "Retard" probably means absolutely nothing to anyone here, to them it probably just means "Stupid". However, the word "Retard" is actually an incredibly derogatory term for people with special needs and other disabilities. The worst part is said slur, similar to the N word, made its way into common language as a label for people who are of a set category. I myself am autistic and at times there's times I'd rather not be called a Retard or even hear the word.

Obviously, we aren't just going to write "Banned slurs list" On the rules. We have a warehouse called "Morons shipping co" When "Moron" was also an offensive term to be used against the disabled and developmentally impaired too.

At the end of the day, we allowed racism in character, people fucked around with it and we lost the privilege. Its just a real shame its come to this.
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I think it's important to draw a line of what is a joke and isn't, I mean if you do it in your org chat or where no where near other players where they will feel uncomfortable for their race, religious beliefs, sexuality and such then obviously you can say whatever you want. Atleast that's how it's always been with other rules and I'm guessing it will be the same with this.
I'd like to discuss the word retard since @BigBenji brought it up, is this something that the staff team will allow for someone to say to each other or regards to what others do in-game? I mean I have been close to being warned by @Double J for saying this exact word when he was driving a car in noclip and blaming it on him "roleplaying" that the Tesla he was driving was in autonomous driving mode, I then proceeded to call his actions "retarded" I don't see how this is discriminating and offensive. This is where I disagree with the rule, but I agree with the rule being changed in favour of; race, religious beliefs, sexuality etc etc

Please note that Moron means carrot in Welsh and the buildings name is in honor of @MoronPipllyd (@BigBenji)
Felt like this was needed a long time ago. People were just using those terms just freely and not involving their so called ‘role play’

I understand that this is a role play server at the end of the day but people using this term freely without involving RP is completely out of order. Within character I guess so but even then I find it a hit stupid even being allowed.

Nice one!
Yeah I agree. I can joke about it all day with my friends but if I tell somebody who is literally being verbally abusive that I'm not okay with the things they are saying, they should stop straight away... It's totally immoral to carry on.
I highly disagree with your statement regarding "roleplay" me and @Jon Godinn have roleplayed as slave traders multiple times and used racial slurs (that are not allowed anymore) so please do not come here and say that people didn't actually roleplay with it.
This is actually sad and a clear definition of bullying, I just don't understand how this wasn't taken into account sooner? A rule does not have to be changed for this to be even thought to of taken action upon, it's disgusting to think that you felt this way in a game of all things. Did you ever try and contact staff about it? Speak to anyone? Because personally if you did I would like to know why no action was taken.
Yes there are roleplay scenarios where you can be allowed to use those such terms but even then feel like it’s unnecessary and people are just saying them for the fun of it essentially.

I feel some terms should be allowed if used appropriately however they honestly won’t be...
The current change being implemented is that use of racial slurs, and all forms of racism in, and out of character will not be tolerated.

However, should you feel uncomfortable in-character because someone is harassing you or discriminating against you, please feel free to make a report or contact a staff member, this has already been in effect and will remain unchanged.
So why do the rules say "Any demonstrations of any forms of discrimination will not be accepted, in and out of character." Another example of the rules not matching the planned enforcement.
I joined in 2014, I was 13 at the time. I started to just accept the things people would say since I was naive and scared of the abuse to the point that I never wanted to be called my actual name. I have reported it in the past but they always whipped out the "it's in character" card. I never fought it since it was "technically" allowed. I also rarely used my microphone to speak up since I was squeaky and scared of the abuse from that and the possibility that I would be ignored as a result.
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