Server Suggestion Remake of the delivery driver.

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Suggestion Title: Remake of the delivery driver.
  • Increased stamina/Increased duration of sprinting.

Increased stamina/duration of sprinting just like cops have. Will allow the player to move a lot more and take multiple deliveries to an area without constantly driving his van.

  • Increased wage for “normal” packages (the map spawned ones).
Make the packages that are server spawned give a lot more money than a player ordered package. These packages are normally more annoying to deal with and when there isn’t a low tax there are not many player ordered deliveries. This would make it more rewarding to travel across the map than just sit in the delivery warehouse when it's 1% tax.

  • Increased car range vehicle range.
Suggested vehicles to be added depending on the rank of delivery driver.

Instead of going into the back of the delivery van to make it easier you would be able to press E on the side of each van and a menu such as this would pop up.

  • Delivery driver xp/level system.
Like the medic/firefighter adding a leveling system to the delivery job. This could act with the increased earnings for normal parcels. I.e The higher level you the higher % cut you get given as the pay. Along with this the higher level you are means the different car you will be able to spawn. This would be up to whoever makes this to decide what order.

  • Lvl 1 - Novice delivery driver - No extra perks, only has access to the normal delivery van.
  • Lvl 2 - Advanced beginner - Has access to a secondary van picked from the ones above.
  • Lvl 3 - Competent - Has a higher paycheck/cut of map spawned packages (currently its 10% and you get 1k for driving across the map.)
  • Lvl 4 - Expert - Gains access to all cars and money increased.

This would increase the money per hour for normal players trying to play a civ type of job. I have always agreed a job such as delivery driver should even pay out more than drugs considering its a job you have to always be active. You can not just afk this job like people do with drugs. This will also help alot of new players since they are the main people to go delivery driver.

  • Add a way to show the location of the delivery.
Add some sort of directional pointer/marker that shows you where to go. A big arrow for example.
  • Add a pointer when driving to show the location/area. (kind of like how GTA/Crazy taxi

-Why should this be added
This suggestion should be looked at, Thought about and possibly even changed depending on the person working on it. Alot of new players play this job and I think its an amazing way for them to learn the map and server. The job currently pays really bad considering how active you have to be(See points above). Along with this there are already alot of ingame features that copy this job and there shouldn't be much "Dev" work needed. And can be copied from other places and changed slightly.

What negatives could this have?
None other than dev work would be needed for this along with testers/testing. I will happily add negatives if people think of any or message me any!
Other things that could be taken into consideration:
1. make the basic van a bit quicker, since 45mph top speed is slow and you only get to 45 when driving on the highway....
2. make the basic van hold up to 6 packages, it's so big & chunky however can only hold 4.
3. I would then suggest for the other vans to only hold four as they should be faster than the big one.

4. Maybe increase the payout to the courrier, when sales tax is higher? less packages will be ordered, so only makes sense if you ask me.
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Courier was majorly reworked fairly recently, I don't think it needs major changes but since the mayor can elect to pay him nothing they should make more on packages
Courier was majorly reworked fairly recently, I don't think it needs major changes but since the mayor can elect to pay him nothing they should make more on packages
There hasn't been a rework of the delivery system since I joined the server. That rework has also nothing to do with the suggestion given at here with massive changes to the job. Changes that will completely change the job in multiple ways. Your comment just makes next to no sense and makes you sound stupid.
Half of what you seem to be describing is exactly what the courier job used to be. Used to just be pick up package, get in a GMC Van or transit and drop it off.

The menu system works well, as long as manual effort is required to get the package into the van to stop it just being a drive to point and get money ordeal.
There hasn't been a rework of the delivery system since I joined the server. That rework has also nothing to do with the suggestion given at here with massive changes to the job. Changes that will completely change the job in multiple ways. Your comment just makes next to no sense and makes you sound stupid.
Exactly what benji said, the base system we have is fine it just needs tweaking
I'd second this, though I'd like to see pickup trucks for couriers as well.
Also, if people could track their delivery driver on the app when they have their package that'd be pretty cool.
Courier was majorly reworked fairly recently, I don't think it needs major changes but since the mayor can elect to pay him nothing they should make more on packages
Compared to all the other jobs which... haven't been changed ever?
please just get off my post.....
No :)

I like curaks idea of taking the van and making it bigger and faster
Mayhe having packages spawn quicker since I find myself waiting a while between packages and a full van can take a while
This would be a great addition/update! The courier can get quite boring and doesnt pay too well if the taxes arent low and theres not much to work towards, this would absolutely change that!
No :)

I like curaks idea of taking the van and making it bigger and faster
Mayhe having packages spawn quicker since I find myself waiting a while between packages and a full van can take a while
are you drunk or something man
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