Removal/Changing of rules that inhibit ability to create unique roleplay

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Hello all, this post has been made with the recent post made by AyJay in mind.

I've seen a lot of people complaining, aswell as myself, that it's damn near impossible to roleplay uniquely or out of the PD without staff coming along and destroying props that have been built or dispersing the current crowd taking part in said roleplay.

In my opinion, the rule 3.9 - Placing props is a good place to start, in the post made by AyJay, a select few people (@jimmythehamster etc.) have mentioned the fact that they've had the unfortunate experience whilst creating something at a more 'public' location with props to encourage something different to take part in, it is quickly removed and hushed away by staff. I'd like this rule to be changed, or even removed. If this rule was to be change, I'd prefer more leniency with the areas you are allowed to build in, of course, building inside or outside of PD, inside/outside of city hall without being the correct job role for it to make sense, wouldn't be allowed, but places like the behind of bank, which in theory is just a dark alleyway behind a public building, farm, market outside of city hall, and other places (that aren't currently coming to mind) should be allowed to have props placed outside of them as long as they are not too excessive.

I want this thread to serve as a place to post your opinions on what rules you believe directly inhibit your ability to create more fun and enjoyable role-play experiences, so please share them without mentioning any specific incidents (that are too touchy touchy to talk about) or naming anyone that has removed or stopped your role-play due to rules.
3.9 should not be subject to staff discretion and it should not be necessary to contact an "Admin" if you want to place props in public. As long as the user can show that they're actively roleplaying with the props he is placing I'd say it's fine, I always allow them anyways if they're not constructions they'd use for their own gain in criminal situations e.g. climbing on roofs.
In all my time as staff I only recall denying a request to place props in public ONCE; And that was because they asked if they can build a fortnite 1x1 and have a build battle.

I always love seeing the reports of players asking if they can build a structure that'll improve roleplay because it demonstrates the creativity and willingness of said players. There are sometimes where their request can inhibit and negatively impact or annoy other players in which we can come to a compromise saying something like sure, but make sure it doesn't interfere or block x,y. I myself have never really torn down a structure unless it was really cancer like a fucking stairway to heaven or something.
Staff should be encouraging players to take a creative approach to roleplay and construction because unique experiences on the server are what attract new and retain current players. People are going to get bored if they come into the server and see empty streets with the odd supercar going 100mph over the speed limit with 8 cop cars following them. There should be market stalls, roadworks, hell when Tom Hill put tactical stunt ramps up so he could jump his car off highway to evade the police I thought that was genius but he got warned for it. Creativity shouldn't be punished.
everytime i wanted to make something cool in public staff said no stupid staff!
I've already talked about this several times. It limits roleplay and creativity so I strongly feel it should be changed. Not just 3.9, but also other rules that could limit roleplay (to a certain extent, of course).
When I was a staff member we essentially just didn't allow people to open the stupid huge ass stores infront of spawn simply because A. It's total aids having a shop infront of spawn, especially when it's built ridiculously big with wooden boards B. Because it could hinder people from connecting to the server.
sometimes the reason that props may be denied placement in public is because they can negatively affect other players, like for example if you want to do construction rp and build a scaffolding tower besides a building, it may give police the ability to look inside buildings for drugs or something similar
3.9 is one of the reasons why "passive rp" isn't as popular as it once was. The fact that you can be warned for trying to create a food stand or a homeless shelter has always baffled me. As long as the props are used in a realistic scenario it shouldn't be a problem.
there's obviously an extent for where you build and how you build it, my fight club ring behind bank cant be that bad?
then its the players responsibility to block off his base securely so it's not possible to see any drugs lol
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