Server Suggestion Remove "delay" to do stuff after eating/healing

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Suggestion Title: Healing bug
Suggestion Description: When using healings such as stim packs and you are done using you can't pull your weapon or other stuff for a small period of time.

Why should this be added?:
It will encourage more solo raiding, since solos don't have somebody to hold for them and if they use healings such as in staircase of an apartment it will be harder to get killed since you won't have that extended period of time of vulnerability after using a healing, That bug also applies to when eating food or drinking.

What negatives could this have?:
- None

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Being on immune state can't do nothing when using a healing.
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I don't think it's a bug to begin with. You've just done injecting steroids into your IV you will take a second or two to be able to reach for a four-kilogram weapon on your back unless you're John Rambo. In the meantime, it's still finishing up the animation thus why you're in an "immunte" state

The way it is is just fine personally, looking back at all those times I've raided solo, I've never really been affected by this as I either got the entry frag or got killed. I also fail to see how encouraging more solo raiding will benefit the server as a whole from different points of perspectives
I don't think it's a bug to begin with. You've just done injecting steroids into your IV you will take a second or two to be able to reach for a four-kilogram weapon on your back unless you're John Rambo. In the meantime, it's still finishing up the animation thus why you're in an "immunte" state

The way it is is just fine personally, looking back at all those times I've raided solo, I've never really been affected by this as I either got the entry frag or got killed. I also fail to see how encouraging more solo raiding will benefit the server as a whole from different points of perspectives
It's still an annoying feature on the server I doubt it's intended because literally you can't do anything when I said "immune state" it's once you do the healing such as actually healing not while you are healing
I'm also fine with the way it is now. But that may be because I haven't done many solo raids so I often won't need to heal without cover. I can't say I've heard many complaints from other people regarding this either but again, it may be as I'm not familiar with many people who solo raid.
It's 100% intended (I'll edit the title). As a negative for removing this delay, people would be able to heal/eat/drink faster. Which is a balance issue, so lots of possible negative effects not considered in the initial post. Should people really be able to chug down/inject stuff and immediately be shooting again?
would be nice if this could be removed for normal food but i understand why it stays for meds
Although it wouldn't practically change much gameplay wise, I feel like making the healing/eating interaction itself take a little longer and removing the invisible timer afterwards with no visible feedback, would be a good change. This way it wouldn't feel unnatural at least.
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Id appreciate if my weapon automatically pulls out WHEN it can instead of having to spam 1 and lmb

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