Police Suggestion Remove LT+ Being able to give longer punishments

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Brief description of idea: Remove the option for LT+ To give longer punishments than listed in the Penal Code. Maybe make it higher like MAJ+?

What benefits would this idea have for the department: Not for Department but for the player base in general, stops abuse of it by CMD. Certain CMD Members feel it's great to issue 10y 10k for things like 6.5,6.9, 12.12

What potential negatives could this have for the department: None

Other additions: nothing
Brief description of idea: Remove the option for LT+ To give longer punishments than listed in the Penal Code. Maybe make it higher like MAJ+?

What benefits would this idea have for the department: Not for Department but for the player base in general, stops abuse of it by CMD. Certain CMD Members feel it's great to issue 10y 10k for things like 6.5,6.9, 12.12

What potential negatives could this have for the department: None

Other additions: nothing
Wouldn't this just make it obsolete as SMT are very rarely active? (Maybe @Collier but he stinks) Seems more reasonable to just remove it at that point
no i don't think this should be changed as if it is abused, you can just make an IA. It is clear you are making after a situation what occurred today and it seems you are full of salt.

I consider this constructive and I do not believe this should be changed just because you are mad. have a nice day
Nah remove this in general. it just makes people toxic and salty, I admit I abused this and its retarded how I got away with giving people 10k 10 years for as little as 10.1
I feel as though you should calm down before making a suggestion out of pure frustration due to experiencing this yourself recently.

Command members should use their initiative with this law and apply a sentence necessary to what has been committed, IA is a thing and we barely get any complaints anymore due to the current status of the server, I would suggest giving me something to do.

I can see where you're coming from, however, making this suggestion out of frustration just seems kinda stupid to me that's all but I encourage discussion of the idea, personally I think the law is fine when used correctly, you just need to make an IA complaint if you witness any misconduct.

Lastly, this exists for a reason, don't break the law if you don't want to pay the price.
Honestly he's right, there is no reason certain roles should be able to exceed ticket limits.
Why you this salty because you got a 10k ticket. This shouldn't be changed to Major just because you can't handle the fact you got a 10k ticket.
or if they used common sense like i did then it would be fine
There is a policy (or handbook entry) stating that these must be justifiable and to be completely honest it's rarely justifiable to get up to 10y 10k without violent crimes.

But this law is good for lower, perhaps repeated offences (especially 11.9 if you just shoot around in your base). Unfortunately it has happened that people have been charged excessively and unreasonably so but this can be useful as a deterrent for more minor crimes by going slightly over the limit as oftentimes repeat offenders that only get tickets they can afford have no reason to stop being nuiscances.

It really comes down to common sense. Or perhaps the policy could be altered slightly to make it more clear as to how this power should be used?
Just remove it, people abuse it, I sure love getting 10k illegal parking tickets from Samuel.
Never received a 10k parking ticket from a LT or above, ever. Was given a parking ticket when my car was perfectly parked between the lines and as straight as you're going to get it. Got the guy who did it demoted or something lmao.

If you're receiving 10k tickets for parking you must be doing a really shit job at parking, just saying.
To me specifically, decides to run me over with his vehicle, attempts to aid and abet the suspect were trying to get, them proceeds to drive off, officer goes after and then he drives on the wrong side of the highway, I go and drift into him to stop him going anymore down the wrong side, then I jump out and attempts to gunpoint, he then proceeds to jump out of his vehicle and jump into another vehicle, quite piss taking. And basically proceeds to get away after this whole sit
Personally i normally ask LT+ if i can jail someone i consistantly ticket for illegal parking for a year or 2.
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