Police Suggestion Remove some benefits of rank promotions and replace them with Training.

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Professional Stripper
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Brief description of idea: A lot of things are given to people dependant on rank rather than training received. I'm against this and it's something I've been contemplating since our policy meeting yesterday. We discussed for about 30 minutes allowing officers drive the speed enforcer merc with supervisor supervision and settled on everyone however it was later changed to only RTU. This shouldn't happen in my opinion. My overall idea is to remove Taser's for SO, Merc for RTU supervisors, remington for Corporals as soon as they get promoted and replace it so that for example:
An officer is able to apply for taser training by a patrol trainer and recieve a trainer and something that states on their PLPD.Online profile they are qualified to use a trainer.
A RTU, CPL+ is able to apply to be a speed enforcer rather than giving them to Sergeants, where they are able to recieve training based on the policies and competance to be a speed enforcer before it stating this on their profile.
Same for CPL and a Remington.
Could even be used for TFU and an M24 as they currently recieve no training for it.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
-These could all be done supervised on the real server in a supervised patrol and be a great incentive for people to play.

What potential negatives could this have for the department:
-None I can think of
how about officers should get a taser by default and go through training for a gun instead
wouldn't that make more sense
Would be exactly like the previous system of PO's having to do a stage 1,2 and 3 where people didnt want the department to be as restrictive
yes but still less restrictive than academy while still improving quality of officers and less people complaining about being executed by random officers
I cant see it happening for guns tbh because thats more of a reason for people not to play than the benefits we would get
No please god no. I don't need more cheerleader tryouts in the PD.

It's a game and if I have to spend even more time to get specific stuff it'll be the last straw for me.
I wouldn't say restrict the equipment that people already have access to, for example don't go removing shotguns from corporals, but definitely allow access to equipment like the Mercedes Speed Enforcer car for lower ranks if they are sufficiently trained.
In addition. I honestly hope you guys are aware that this an almost dead server. Can't deny it.
More restrictions is the last thing we needed.
This isnt a restriction its a reason for people to play rather than getting spoon fed things for nothing
@Daigestive Dude. I don't want to participate in any more training sessions ever. Imagine having to get training for every tiny bit of equipment instead of having some fun figuring stuff out on your own.

You call it a reason to play, I call it a reason to quit. This is not an MMORPG
Im a traffic trainer and could accept a SGT into RTU, yet he would immediately be given access to the Mercedes, a vehicle they will have no experience with, especially someone new within the devision, yet I cant use it?

Training makes sense for the mercedes 100%
FYI, the code for taser training whitelist already exists on the server and plpd.online. It wouldn't be a huge task to expand it to cover other areas too.
As a patrol trainer I would happily take up a responsibility in assisting in taser training or even hosting it!
I think we should just settle on the Merc for now.

Reason why I don't want Taser training: It will be too much, people won't like the idea.

Reason why I don't want to remove Remingtons from Corporals: It would conflict with this.

Reason why I don't want pistol training: Way too much hassle and work.

As far as the M24 for TFU SWAT - Stay tuned people, all I can say is something special is in the works ;)
No please no sniper training. The gun is barely used. Has a specific policy to itself.
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