Server Suggestion Remove the ability to finish someone off with a baton

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Suggestion Title: Remove the ability to finish someone off with a baton
Suggestion Description: Currently, it’s possible to finish someone off with a nightstick before they even hit the floor. This is especially prevalent if 2 officers are hitting someone, but I’ve witnessed 2 instances of officers clicking one to many times resulting in the suspect being killed before they hit the floor, because the officer hit their shoulder with a nightstick as they fell.

The whole point of “less than lethal” is the weapon should be an effective incapacitant over a lethal tool.

Why should this be added?:
- Realism: A small, blunt force trauma weapon such as batons are only instantaneously lethal if you strike someone in the head in a manner which would destroy the brain or its ability to send signals to the rest of the body.
- Less of a pain: Plenty of situations where an officer has a lawful reason to nightstick someone unconscious, plenty of opportunity for that to result in the instant death of a person.

What negatives could this have?:
- Can no longer finish people off with the nightstick in case you ever had a rule abiding reason to do that as a cop?
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this suppresses the roleplay of police brutality, this time around I am going to give this a -support or we'll have less to do as CC :oldman:
this suppresses the roleplay of police brutality, this time around I am going to give this a -support or we'll have less to do as CC :oldman:
My whole career when the suspect who assaulted me and fled is killed instantly when the baton I defended myself with brushed past their hand as they fell.

I think it should stay as it is, since it gives the police at least some kind of reason to not perma spam the baton since it may actually kill the person, like it would in real life (it sounds crazy that a weapon can be lethal I know!!!)