Remove ability to take pots and change water level on planters you do not own

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Description of the idea:

Remove the ability to take pots and change water level on planters you do not own.

Pots would be not able to be taken from players with <1 week playtime and no water levels would be possible to change without physgun permissions from the owner of the planter.

Why should this be added? (pros):

If a new player is raided and has their pots taken it can be a massive financial hit and could put them off staying around.

The ability to change water rate might go unnoticed and as a result that is a batch of drugs ruined for a new player or a player in general and it may demotivate them and cause them to leave the server.

What negatives could this have? (cons):

Removes the risk of growing to some degree.

Less profit for raiders.
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To add something like this is completely stupid. I'm sorry but If im raiding a base then im going to take as much loot as possible to found the raid supplies. Adding something like this to 2.5 is like saying you cant raid the same people because that's also 2.5. At that point you might as well add that you cant do anything to the same person over and over because its 2.5 and constantly on that person. I.e arresting, ticketing anything.
I was referring to changing the water lvl. You can take all the pots you want.
I was referring to changing the water lvl. You can take all the pots you want.
I mean whats the point in changing rules, causing things even more for the staff to deal with (pointless AR's and pointless f6's) when @Samuel could really easily add something to just stop it.
No, complete protection for new players is absolutely ridiculous and I believe this is something that was suggesting previously and denied (Not being able to raid properties owned by new players).

I think that there is a general consensus that picking on people who are generally new is scummy, and specifically targeting them would be 2.5 without a doubt. I think you're taking this a little further than what it was originally intended to be. Being overprotective of anyone or anything is never a good thing.
I'm not being overprotective of anyone as I clearly mentioned that I am well aware of the downsides. The post was not supposed to create the assumption that we should completely guard off new people and I apologise if it did. I'm just saying that prohibiting people to take pots of people with <1 week playtime won't solve the problem we have with the bad influx of new players.
Alright how about this, remove the water levels for non buddies / org members, if you raid a house owned by a sweater you get a notification while lockpicking with a message like "Are you sure? This is a new player." That way you advise to not raid sweaters But you can still do it
Alright how about this, remove the water levels for non buddies / org members, if you raid a house owned by a sweater you get a notification while lockpicking with a message like "Are you sure? This is a new player." That way you advise to not raid sweaters But you can still do it
thanks dank, very cool!
if you raid a house owned by a sweater you get a notification while lockpicking with a message like "Are you sure? This is a new player." That way you advise to not raid sweaters But you can still do it
All fun and games til we get experienced users meatshielding behind sweaters to claim a moral high ground over anyone who raids them. (Not that people aren't already doing this). Decent idea though tbh, suggest it.

When I asked a new player what would be helpful for the server, this was actually mentioned by name. Just incase anyone was doubting this.
I fully stand behind this suggestion, only if the part about the pots counts only for players with <1 week playtime. As said it can actually discourage people from even staying in the community, same goes to the ability to change water levels of the person you are raiding, it's just pointless and only there to annoy the person being raided.
The issue with removing the ability to adjust water levels is someone who is being raided could set his water levels to 0 so when he dies the raiders can’t finish the batch for profit. Water is also free too once you have the water tank purchased.
The issue with removing the ability to adjust water levels is someone who is being raided could set his water levels to 0 so when he dies the raiders can’t finish the batch for profit. Water is also free too once you have the water tank purchased.
This is a very good point, it might be better to log water level changes and punish people who purposefully break someone else's without good reason
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