Remove ability to take pots and change water level on planters you do not own

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Description of the idea:

Remove the ability to take pots and change water level on planters you do not own.

Pots would be not able to be taken from players with <1 week playtime and no water levels would be possible to change without physgun permissions from the owner of the planter.

Why should this be added? (pros):

If a new player is raided and has their pots taken it can be a massive financial hit and could put them off staying around.

The ability to change water rate might go unnoticed and as a result that is a batch of drugs ruined for a new player or a player in general and it may demotivate them and cause them to leave the server.

What negatives could this have? (cons):

Removes the risk of growing to some degree.

Less profit for raiders.
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yes absolutely but the change will be so sudden that i fear it will give them 0 incentive to grow again, i think it's fine the way it is in my opinion
So they should have the fear from the onset? Surely it is better they have one week than no week?
Why is it even necessary to be able to steal pots? Other than being rude that is.
So they should have the fear from the onset? Surely it is better they have one week than no week?
this does not stop their drugs being taken which is the main factor for them becoming demotivated, i really don't think this will solve anything
What about defenders using this to ruin drugs with too high or low water level before they die? Say I'm raiding someone and they change the level to max and then I kill them and can't change them back, what am I supposed to do then? I would agree with this if there was some type of rule to make sure people didn't do this.

2.5 Excessive Negativity​

Players may not excessively impact the experience of others in a negative manner, unless the actions are a proportionate escalation of negative actions that have been performed against the original player.

When participating in raids, players carrying visible weaponry inside of the property being raided are considered to be significant enough threats to be killed justifiably without prior verbal commands or interaction.

For example, it is not acceptable to:

  • Intentionally mug and target new players.
  • Destroy valuable items due to basic distaste such as product prices.
  • Killing a player over verbal insults, minor or accidental actions.
  • Killing a player after mugging them because they’ve seen your identity.
  • Intentionally steal a car to wreck it without any valid reason.
Adding something to the rule about not changing water levels during the raid would make it more clear for newer players if this was added.

2.5 Excessive Negativity​

Players may not excessively impact the experience of others in a negative manner, unless the actions are a proportionate escalation of negative actions that have been performed against the original player.

When participating in raids, players carrying visible weaponry inside of the property being raided are considered to be significant enough threats to be killed justifiably without prior verbal commands or interaction.

For example, it is not acceptable to:

  • Intentionally mug and target new players.
  • Destroy valuable items due to basic distaste such as product prices.
  • Killing a player over verbal insults, minor or accidental actions.
  • Killing a player after mugging them because they’ve seen your identity.
  • Intentionally steal a car to wreck it without any valid reason.
It's much better to have in game features to stop possible rule break. Easier that way. Especially as it's not too hard to do.
Less profit for raiders isn't a con in my opinion.

Please do this, I hate to see new players with only 3 pots in their planter.
What about defenders using this to ruin drugs with too high or low water level before they die? Say I'm raiding someone and they change the level to max and then I kill them and can't change them back, what am I supposed to do then? I would agree with this if there was some type of rule to make sure people didn't do this.
Well that is highly unlikely since theres about a 50/50 percent chance that you will win or die so its a pretty big risk to make
you could very easily abuse this feature im sure people would suddenly be hiring a lot of new players to work for them
you could very easily abuse this feature im sure people would suddenly be hiring a lot of new players to work for them
And those new players would be protected from having their stuff messed up by toxic idiots who like to change new players' water levels to mess with them and from people stealing pots, which is really no benefit to the raider either usually.
I remember the good old days where you didn't need none of this water stuff, just plant and go :(
To add something like this is completely stupid. I'm sorry but If im raiding a base then im going to take as much loot as possible to found the raid supplies. Adding something like this to 2.5 is like saying you cant raid the same people because that's also 2.5. At that point you might as well add that you cant do anything to the same person over and over because its 2.5 and constantly on that person. I.e arresting, ticketing anything.
I believe he was talking about what Palodhi said, saying that if the defenders were to put their drugs on max water level, just so that the raiders dont profit, its 2.5.
yes absolutely but the change will be so sudden that i fear it will give them 0 incentive to grow again, i think it's fine the way it is in my opinion
This can be mitigated if after 1 week of playtime a new player gets a pop-up message that explains any changes to them and thanks them for being active perp members. I feel like a week of playtime is quite enough time to learn a lot on the server and they will probably notice the difference between them and their more experienced peers
This entire thread is based on the assumption new players know about the advanced planters system and use it for their growing business. This has never been the case in my experience of helping out newer people. It was after someone told them about crafting, materials and just how the gamemode works in general that they´ve shown interest in growing with planter boxes, only to get raided or mugged by certain members of this community that I will not name and shame yet.

The only reason that these players have been able to continue this is because they do not just single out new players and there is not really a rule that protects new people from being raided. Since that on it's own has it's up and downsides.

I do not see the practical use for the suggestion to make new players' pots invulnerable for a week as much as I like the suggestion. since they use the basic planter boxes, and get raided / mugged somewhere in the process of growing and selling their drugs. The new people, as they have invested the little capital they already had, get discouraged and leave (because who wouldn't?).

In regards of people being able to change your water levels without permission. I don't see why this was a thing in the first place???

So in conclusion, I think that either we (as a staff team) should be able to enforce some kind of rule where new people are kind of protected from raids etc. (but then again I see the downside of it being unfair to the very powerfull raiders as there won't be someone to raid if the server is filled with new people, or for new raiders that cant raid other new people aswell) Or we (as a community) must come to some kind of official agreement that raiding / mugging new people is just not okay to do, since a fair share of people still do it without shame.
So in conclusion, I think that either we (as a staff team) should be able to enforce some kind of rule where new people are kind of protected from raids etc. (but then again I see the downside of it being unfair to the very powerfull raiders as there won't be someone to raid if the server is filled with new people, or for new raiders that cant raid other new people aswell) Or we (as a community) must come to some kind of official agreement that raiding / mugging new people is just not okay to do, since a fair share of people still do it without shame.

No, complete protection for new players is absolutely ridiculous and I believe this is something that was suggesting previously and denied (Not being able to raid properties owned by new players).

I think that there is a general consensus that picking on people who are generally new is scummy, and specifically targeting them would be 2.5 without a doubt. I think you're taking this a little further than what it was originally intended to be. Being overprotective of anyone or anything is never a good thing.
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