Remove the Negative Rating Score

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Reaction score
Description of the idea: Currently there are 2 negative ratings which are disagree and dislike. If you get one then your forum reaction score goes down. Some might consider this as a toxic system since they want their points to be high, and without meaning to sound sarcastic I can relate to it up to a degree, even though the dumb rating is gone which I think was an actually toxic rating.
To completely remove the toxicity from the ratings I suggest to make disagree and dislike ratings not affect your reaction score. This is actually how it used to be before the website was upgraded. The only visible reaction score was that of the positive ones and the neutral ones.

Why should this be added? (pros): Ratings are no longer toxic.
Maybe this would make it more viable to add a more "soft" dumb rating which hopefully won't be as toxic since it wouldn't affect anything. Name it "silly" or something with a cute icon.
Ratings could be available to everyone again on the suggestion thread! People will no longer fear to post threads of their ideas.
Revenge ratings will be completely pointless.

What negatives could this have? (cons): I agree that some (shit) posts deserve to be rated in a way to negatively affect the maker, although, since the dumb rating has already been removed, I don't see how this would be so bad.

*Other additions: Allow us to rate suggestions again.
I feel like if something is stupid people should be able to negative rate it. If you don't want your post to be rated negatively then don't post something retarded. Simple.
While this is true people also negatively rate on enforcer applications and such if they agree with the application so it might stop people from providing negatives
not being funny but the real motivation for me to make actual posts is because i am concious of my rating score, not because a pesky moderator is going to warn me!
I just don’t like how it takes your score so if that is possible to change this would be the best way IMO, those ratings mentioned aren’t as toxic as Dumb which did get removed but how else can you disagree with a post without having to reply to it?
This would make posts look extremely biased. There needs to be some sort of negative rating so that you can see how many people agree or disagree with s post. Otherwise it could look like a lot of people agree with an enforcer app even though a lot of people coildnt just disagree
Just to make it clear, I don't suggest to remove negative ratings. Just to not have them reduce your rating score.
Yeah i cba to read tbh. I disagree. If someone shitposts their ratings should represent this and give them an incentive to change tbh like idiots like Freedor and Tomo that couldnt comprehend they were speaking from their ass
I partly agree with this but do you really think that people who shit post care about the score?
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