Remove water levels from planter boxes to help new players

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Code Monkey

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Description of the idea: Remove the water levels on the planter boxes

Why should this be added? (pros): We were talking about ways in the community meeting to bridge the gap between new players and old players. I currently find the water levels excessive as it does nothing but make it so you have to ask someone which water level each drug should be. It complicates things too much. I think this would be a good step towards helping new players :)

What negatives could this have? (cons): I do not see one?

*Other additions: I was helping 4 sweaters today get started and noticed this to be a bit excessive. As a community, lets continue to help bridge the gap between new players and old players. Let's continue to keep thinking of new ideas to help the new player base progress and get interested in our community!

Edit - Benji made a suggestion to change to low, medium, and high. I am also open to this suggestion.
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I forgot to mention, if you vote no or have a better alternative, please post so we can have a discussion.
Could replace it with a “low, medium, high” setting.

Medium best for weed
High best for coke
Low to make your water tank last Really long
Thats a great idea. Would make it more simplistic.
I realize that this suggestion is meant for new players and I truly don’t mean to come off as selfish here, but I kinda like the complexity of these mechanics and the fact that some systems on the server have depth. The longer you spend on PERP the more you know your way around these things and making everything more simplistic could be kinda boring and shallow to all the seasoned pleasers no?
(Just asking, thx for your responses in advance)
this feels like unnecessary nuance really, it isnt ever used in an interesting way, more just to fuck with people passively & newer players often use suboptimal levels just hindering them further
I mean it’s already the meta that 2.1 is the best for weed and 2.5 is best for cocaine as is.
I get your opinion but kindly disagree. Like Sorle and Benji said above me, the meta is 2.1 and 2.5. You have to ask around to find it which can be troublesome for new players. I am just trying to think of ways we can close the gap and feel this would be right. In my opinion, it is used for toxicity by changing water levels when you raid someone just to piss them off and that is about it. Thanks for your reply though :)
I've always thought it would be good to re-introduce pots as a less effective and easier way to make drugs, give this to new players so they can still make drugs without all the cancer
I like the idea of having presets like low medium and high. Maybe add a book ingame that new players get in their storage when joining the server that explains each of the presets? Would really simplify things for new players, and late at night it would actually allow for new players to grow drugs. Instead of having to pray for someone to join that will tell them the m/s rate in help chat.
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