
Reaction score
Texas United States
Hello lads,

first things first, I did resign and did not get demoted. :trande:

The reason for my resignation from my position as moderator as well as my position of patrol command is that I will be leaving to go to Texas for 10 months. I am taking part in an intercultural exchange program supported by my local PD.

In total, I have now been staff for about 1 and a half years and to be fair I loved it. After I first got demoted I thought a lot about PERP and if I should return or not, in the end, I did and I am very grateful I did.

It was an honor to play with you all.

Here are some honorable mentions:
@Tom Hill (biggest living Meme)
@John Daymon
@Jon Godinn
@Thomas Fredrick
@Rogue Matiz Tyres
@Col. Collier
@jimmythehamster (Thanks for PD)
@Youseff (Thanks for PD)
@Sgt.James (Thanks for PD)
@Feng Yamaguchi
@Imperial Watch
@Nade Alardin
@LEWIS 088
@Duffy (only real german General)
@Pear (Nazi brother)
@Bean Can
@Jordan (Thanks for PD)
@Medulla (Thanks for PD)
@Creepis Kanacke <3

message me if I forgot you (had to be fast)
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I'm gonna miss you lots, you was always kind to me in ways you wouldn't even know, good luck with your stay in Texas and I hope your future is great. See you soon budy. Many loves <3
Who is paying all of our staff to resign?

Sad to see you go though, you were a great staff member.
Goodbye Cole!

You've been a fantastic guy to work with and I respect you to the max, sorry for me and @Jon Godinn annoying you but you know ;)

Anyways again; Thanks for your help in the staff team, you've done a great job here and you're a sound lad everywhere I've spoken to you atleast what i've experienced. Hope you have a great time in the states, good luck!
Doubt there's much I can say here that I haven't already in person but still: I'm gonna miss you for those 10 months.

P.S Avoid dem hurricanes pliz

P.P.S If you don't message me with the exact time you take off: Go straight for the hurricane
Wow no tag for the best patrol officer? Disappointing :( but in all seriousness, thank you for all that you have done not just for me but for the entire pd and server. Have a great time.
Nooooh Cole,

I've known you for a while know.
I even enjoyed that we sorta found eachother again!

Wish you all the luck and have fun out there!
------> Patrol Command LT get chosen
------> LT Different division gets it
------> SGT. gets it.

---Finally, we can close the applications---

(((@Cole you were a great chap and you will be missed. Don't kiss guys over there btw.)))​
Cole you were a great influence within the PD to me and many others. You did an amazing job within the patrol division and you have earned a shit ton of respect from members of the community. You were an excellent staff member and I wish you the best of luck down in Texas for the next 10 months. I hope to see you return.
See you soon Dad :(

Tbh I enjoyed it when we were on duty together (too bad I gave up rip) and outside of PD. I'll see you in 10 months ;)
No Appricey on this list :( . In all seriousness i've loved every minute in the staff team with you, not only did you make me feel very welcome when I first got enforcer but you also welcomed me back with open arms when I decided to leave traffic and rejoin patrol. I've loved every minute with you and you have 110% respect from me.
See you around mate.
perpheads staff team

right yeah mate thanks for the mention, good luck tho