Revert to Paralake

Revert to Paralake?

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It’s been 2 days and you guys are already bitching, there are several guides and configs on the forums to increase FPS which I have used and no longer get under 20 which is a drastic improvement. It took them time to set positions and edit the map and you’re already fucking whining to go back
That's fair enough but we've done evo recently and within a week we had the same problem of everyone wanting to change the map again.
@Aquaa, @Generic Twat

Nobody's crying gents, I believe this is quite a respectable thread? It's a shame some work will feel wasted but in regards to setting up positions, these are done now and would likely be saved in-case we went back to Evocity again (e.g. for an event), so it's not entirely wasted.
Constantly changing maps is no good. Requires us to take every map into consideration when developing, especially when developing the code for v5. Can't people just wait for V5, not that much left, Madda has made good progress and doing what's left won't take that long, on the code side I will be done soon as I am spending the next couple of days on it.
yeah if im not mistaken half of the people who voted evocity arent even active on the server anymore
i join paralake and it's just so boring, its very empty and feels like theres never anything happening. The bazaar shops are always bought out but empty and there is always a raid going on at projex

evocity is great its always busy, you're never miles away from action and the buildings are really interesting.
I played today on Evo and I don't see why everyone was complaining about poor FPS?

I managed to play Simon says as the mayor with no issues whatsoever :)
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