Riekelt's Resignation from the IT Team

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One and a half year ago, @Jordan was my senior DJ on ParalakeFM, and at that time was in the process of organizing the Paralake Police Department into what it is today. During that time, Jordan asked me if I could reproduce the DJ panel and repurpose it for the PLPD, which I happily did.

Little did I know that that decision would play a major role in the growth of the Police Department, allowing it to grow faster and faster every month, up until the point where we now have over one thousand registered applicants.

During that time, I was instated as head of Administration Services, and later as head of Information Technology under Support Services with @LordTyla . Which later became @AyJay .

Unfortunately I do not agree with the recent changes made by the new head of Support Services, and no longer wish to offer my services to the Paralake Police Department within the Information Technology Team.

It is for this reason, that as of the 6th of August, 2017 I will be resigning from my position as Developer within this division. I will however remain within the Police Department, I do however not know in what position. During that time I will be handing over access and passwords to the appropriate persons and will prepare for a graceful exit.

The reason I go public with this is that there are rumours spreading that I was demoted from my position, which is not the case. The reason I am no longer the head of Information Technology is to add more structure to the division. Which is as per @AyJay 's leadership achieved by removing an important role within the division, which I'll have to respect, but am not willing to obey by for the obvious reason that it was sudden and without notice.

It has been a pleasure to develop PLPD Online, and hope that it will remain operational for a long time in my absence.
I feel absolutely nothing less than gratitude toward the role you have played within IT, you created something which is used daily by our community members and it is the backbone of the PD. It's a shame you feel the way you do, however any decision myself or any other member of IT has made has been within the best interests of the IT division and the PD as a whole.

It's a shame you're not sticking about as a developer, which I have wanted you to do since the decision was made - As I feel you are brilliant at your craft, and your work has not gone unnoticed by any means. When the decision was made, you did somewhat come to a conclusion of understanding which you said to me first hand, I'm not sure what has brought this resignation on, however I can understand somewhat from your perspective.

I wish you the best of luck within any future endeavors, and you're always welcome within the IT team, as I'm sure we'd all love to have you back.
He saw you made nothing from doing IT work on a perpheads site and instead is working to make his own porn site now, because that's where the money is at eyyyyyyyyy!
Thanks for all the work, time and effort you put into the PD to take it to where it is today. To have seen the change in PLPD.Online into what it is today shows how far we have come. This wouldnt have been done without you, so cheers Riekelt.