RP Dead: A Discussion

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Bit of a ranty post but there is a point that lies within this post. I'll make a TL;DR at the end which will include this.

I'll start of with why I'm making this post. Essentially I don't play any sort of criminalrp anymore. The idea of powergrowing and raiding is boring to me. And some of the other people I play with clearly think the same way. Myself and a few friends came up with the idea to create RP, our first plan was to create a seperate motorway made out of wooden barriers and support structures. No cars would be able to leave this highway until the end and it was a 1 way system. During our build we had multiple staff come over. After clarifying with @Super_ he said the structure was not allowed as some vehicles could ramp off it. Fair point but I was willing to adapt and continue to build the barriers upwards so no one could use this highway unrealistically. That idea was dismissed. So I went back later on to build a person footpath, I believe it was then @Mimball who removed this footpath, for whatever reason. This confuses me a bit, because this a roleplaying server and it seems like playerbased structures are being removed, to avoid people killing themselves (yet its realistic to raid full apartment complexes without being bothered by police or build a roundabout that does actually affect peoples rp). I don't understand this and why you would remove player built structures that don't impact other peoples experience.

TL;DR Staff want more rp yet they seem to destroy peoples rp in the process. Although I recognize its gradually getting better.

Do what you will with this thread, maybe some interesting discussion could be created around this?
I was told to delete the structure by @Super_ but are we going to ignore the fact you built a footbridge over a path with bollards. There was no need for the bridge and it was hardly RP.

However, I do like to encourage RP and I don't know if you saw mine @flugs and @Blackdown's Russian agent RP a few days ago.

RP is not dead. It just seems people aren't sure where to start and what is and isn't allowed.
An interesting reply. I do disagree with your point about "hardly rp" rp is replicating things that might go on in real life that interest players imo. We could apply the "no need for" (enter structure/rp here) anywhere as theres really no need for a lot of things but it makes player experiences more enjoyable and makes the server look more alive.
RP has decreased, but only because you have people who ruin it for others, For example, when myself, rogue @Blackdown and lots of others built a roundabout, we had people crash into it for no reason, we had a police officer who tried getting us to remove it else they'd "arrest us" and we had someone Molotov the whole thing because they couldn't be arsed to drive around it and tiered their car because they went 80MPH into it.
The reason why I disallowed your highway on-ramp structure was for two reasons:
  • Like I stated to you, cars could ramp off the on-ramp and get their vehicles into the park where vehicles cannot access. Even with the proposed changes you suggested to me to reduce this possiblity, people would still attempt to drive their super cars up that on-ramp full speed and would most likely cause issues.
  • The ramp isn't really "RP". As you told me, the reason you were building the ramp was so that people could access the highway via an alternate route. The only real RP this would bring would be someone deciding "let's go onto the highway via bank" and driving their cars up that ramp and I don't believe wooden fences would solely do the trick even with additional props to support it
Don't get me wrong I applaud you and your friends for doing some creative and trying to encourage RP and fully support it as I'd rather see more passive and creative forms of RP rather than cops vs criminals the majority of the time. I believe that you guys had good intentions but I believe you guys could have put that creativity into creating a different roleplay situation - maybe highway-maintence for example where you're repairing areas of the highway.
Me and @Cole did a murder investigation RP event not sure if you didn't see but it heavily encouraged players to RP especially in that situation where a mugging then occurred on the murder scene which was really cool to see. There has been a lot more RP in general and RP events recently from what I've seen so I would say that RP is not dead and is rather becoming more of a common thing which is awesome.
It's just that what you were building wasn't allowed from what was explained so it made sense why the props were sent back to storage.
I think the fact that your construction looked somewhat like this is pretty self-explanatory to why it was removed:

Try to bring your own passive RP to the server. Not just build a bridge that had no use and was against the server rules. Maybe start a foodschop or something like that.