Rule Amendments 28/08/2015
Below is a list of the Rule Amendments that will be added to the server in the coming days, I suggest you guys read over them to understand the changes that will be in place when they're added. Please note that these rules are subject to change and should be revised fully when implemented.
2.6 Reporting a Rule Breaker- Replaced the word ‘should’ with ‘expected to’
3.3 Realistic Actions - Simplified the rule by changing some of the wording and removing the last line of the rule (as suggested by @MrAaron)
3.5 In-Character Death - Changed the required time before returning to death location from 10 minutes to 5 minutes. Added a sentence to the end of the rule regarding the NLR timer.
3.7 Property Entrances - Replaced the word ‘Building’ with ‘Property’ and added a definition for ‘the main area of the property’ - This should eliminate confusion regarding entrances at buildings such as the office and the farm.
3.8 Elaborate Barricades - Elaborated on what is meant by directing a player’s movement.
3.9 Placing Props - Allowed some leniency for public props that benefit roleplay.
3.16 AFK - Elaborated on being AFK during a Roleplay situation.
3.26 '/me Function' - Clearly exemplified and elaborated on when/how to resist an action.
3.27 Prolonged Detainment - Previously rule 5.4 now moved to section 3 and the addition of the word ‘illegally’ to allow for more in-depth roleplay and interrogation by the PD.
3.28 Being tied-up - Referenced 3.27 and moved from section 6
4.1 Follow the Law - Added Sergreant and Speed enforcement to the list of government employees.
4.2 Disregard Traffic Laws - Removed a typing error ([) and made the law more understandable and clear.
4.12 - Speed Enforcement - Renamed the rule to be correct in accordance to job title and altered some of the wording, no major changes to the rule itself.
4.15 Police Dispatcher - Set of rules for the Police Dispatcher, nothing massive:
> Has to have microphone
> Has to stay in the PD
5.1 Mugging - Clearly exemplified that it is against the rules to cause unnecessary harm to the victim of a mugging.
5.3 Trespassing - Trespassing on an empty building will now not contribute to the 3 per hour limit.
5.4 Mugging City Employees - Mugging city employees moved from temporary rules and included ‘items’ also changed name and definitions to include all employed civilians.
5.6 Hostage Taking - Removed rule references.
6.5 Illegal detainment - [Removed] it put unnecessary restrictions on roleplay.
6.3 NPCs - Updated location names for relevance to paralake and specified that players should behave in accordance to 3.4 when interacting with NPCs (as suggested by@Bullyreece)
6.5 Disconnecting from the Server - New rule specifying when it’s unacceptable to disconnect from the server (RP situations etc)