Rule change, change raid timer.

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Suggestion Title: Rule change, change raid timer.
Suggestion Description: Change "can't raid the same properly more then once in 60 minutes" to 120 minutes.(atleast90please)

Why should this be added?:
-It's too easy to raidlock someone growing coke. coke takes 38ish minutes to grow. Raid starts, takes 5-10 minutes, player dies, 10 minutes later player returns, sets up coke growth again, 38 minutes later the raiders return(they only waited 58 minutes).

This isn't including time it takes to travel from spawn to pick up your car, if your water jugs are low on water, if you don't have pots, if the raiders hid your planters ect.

Raiders don't raid for profit, they raid for the thrill of killing.

What negatives could this have?:
- Reduces raiders opportunity to raid.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Gettin' raid locked. This might not be an issue during times of high pop, but low pop, which is basically the only times I play, this happens constantly. Raiders go to bank, see which is owned, and raid. they don't set timers because sometimes they come back early.
Some folkes are good and recognize that it's rude to raid too often, so they leave you that extra halfa/hour anyway. Love them folkes
I would recommend you give an mod a clip or something of this happening or something too that effect as it stands while its annoying its a part of the server and people enjoy it
Enacting this suggestion will go no further than frustrate people and make it more difficult for players to raid than it already is, the current raid timer is fair and balanced, changing it will disrupt the way we play and what everybody's accustomed to, an hour is already a decent amount of time to make your money considering that you don't get a guaranteed raid every time someone's timer is over as a defender. If you're making drugs in your house, and frequently lose, you better use better weapons or have a couple more people in the base to defend them, and if that doesn't work? Well I guess you should stay away from this side of the server and explore the others unless you decide to invest time into it and become better

Raiders don't raid for profit, they raid for the thrill of killing.
Dull assumption, personally I and many of the people I play with when I'm on rely on raiding to acquire more resources and potentially profit at the end of the day by taking other's planters and growing them in our base, I'm pretty sure others out there also do the same. I don't believe there is any need to disincentivize raiding further
I personally think the Raid timer is fine as it is now.
We have a lot of players who are doing nothing but raid and they already have to wait a long time before they can go to raid again.
2 raids in 1 hour is not that much and to nerf crims more just does not seem fair tbh.

they don't set timers because sometimes they come back early
Thats an easy F6, that's why we have rules.
I personally think the Raid timer is fine as it is now.
We have a lot of players who are doing nothing but raid and they already have to wait a long time before they can go to raid again.
2 raids in 1 hour is not that much and to nerf crims more just does not seem fair tbh.

Thats an easy F6, that's why we have rules.
Exactly imo it does not need too be nerfed, however the timer part i get if only there was some type of way that informed you that your still on timer however that would probs be aids too code
Look guys I'm all for raiding, hell make it 3 raids in an hour. Just not on the same person.

The bulk time I play there's 20-50 people on, most of them AFK or just chilling at bazaar. Once people discover you're actively growing they come back every hour. An hour is just simply not long enough to grow coke. I guess the idea is just grow weed, but that's not really a solution.
You state that its easy to stunlock someone into not being able to grow coke without being raided, however you state your issue comes from when the server pop is low, therefore raids typically do not last anywhere near 10-15 mins, most you will have to wait as a homeowner is possibly 10 mins probably less from after you die, depending on if you have friends/flankers, how many cops are on duty, or if they have actually have a way to transport the drugs from your base prepared or not, in addtion to this the raiders have to wait at least an hour before attempting to raid your property again, however this does not make you immune to all raids, as other groups/people can come and still attempt to raid your base. Coke takes a maximium of 38 mins to grow if you are just attempting to harvest coca leafs and that is enough time for you to at least grow one batch after being raided without being raided by the same group of people.

Personally i don't see why this rule should be changed, as its completly fine how it currently is and enables those who may only have a couple hours to play, to do enjoy raiding and allow them to actually PVP a decent amount of times before having to log off.

As others have stated, if people are coming back before their raid timer has expired, feel free to make an F6 or an action request.
found solution, use the mowny you have, buy remote explosive and 500 grenades, use everything to defend. place barricades on walls so your room is a tank if you are basing at subs, if you are basing at apartments place barricades annoyingly to peek, have a teammate next to you and double peek at the same time
1 raid per coke batch is absolutely sufficient and adds risk to what gives a high reward.
The raid timer as is right now is fairly restrictive, if people adhere to it appropriately. I think this is just copium man, sorry. If you're being repeatedly raided by the same group, hour upon hour, then either make yourself a harder target, or if it's clear they're going after you specifically, make a report.
I can't get good, I play with 360 ping, the problem is benje to actually get one coke batch between you need to be extremely fast, you have 2-3 minutes of leeway. Needs more.
I can't get good, I play with 360 ping, the problem is benje to actually get one coke batch between you need to be extremely fast, you have 2-3 minutes of leeway. Needs more.
Change properties? Grow in the forest? There is several options you could be taking to try and give yourself a better chance like moving away from somewhere where people obviously know is inhabited…
nahhhhhh that just would be boring af waiting an extra 30 minutes just to raid again, hell no.
Change properties? Grow in the forest? There is several options you could be taking to try and give yourself a better chance like moving away from somewhere where people obviously know is inhabited…
What about the new and old players knowing about this and scowering the entire forest just for that odd chance to find drugs?
It's extremely rare and new players find it like candy cause they just roam and somehow find it.
What about the new and old players knowing about this and scowering the entire forest just for that odd chance to find drugs?
It's extremely rare and new players find it like candy cause they just roam and somehow find it.
You would have to be very desperate to search the entire forest just to maybe find someone growing. I am sure it’s not unreasonable to say that the large majority of the playerbase wouldn’t do this, and there is several spots where I am sure you wouldn’t be found by a roaming new player either
You don't have to wait an extra 30 minutes to raid again. You have to wait extra to raid the same property. Growing in the forest sounds like a decent solution, but as soon as you're caught once people will search it again. People always know what properties are inhabited because they can check bank and then they go check the property.

Guess I need to find an org active in Aussie times..
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