Rule Changes - 27/02/2018

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Hi everyone, earlier on today the staff team brought up all their concerns regarding rules and changes have been made. These rules are now added and in full effect so be sure to check them out to gain a full understanding of them. If you have any concerns then contact either me or bolli and we will review them as soon as possible!

  • Rule 3.3 - Realistic actions - Furthermore, players should take great care whilst climbing. Players should not attempt to boost people onto buildings or structures, nor should they climb onto objects which realistically would not hold their weight.<Addition

  • Rule 3.20 - Disconnecting from the server - Players should also wait at least 10 minutes prior to leaving the server after committing a crime; this does not apply if the crime has been resolved (player has been arrested / caught for this crime). <Addition

  • Rule 1.5 - Personal details - Players may not leak, attempt to gain, or maliciously use the private and personal details of another player. Details Including (but not limited to) Passwords to accounts, Home addresses, Personal photos, and phone numbers of either other members of the community or there family, friends, etc. These details must be respected and not shared throughout the community in game, the forums, PERPheads TS3, or steam chat. Players may also not pretend to be another member of the community beyond In-Character names in an attempt to damage their reputation. <New Addition

  • Rule 5.5 - Police may not force players who are arrested after the bank robbery is successful to forfeit the cash given to them by the bank robbery NPC. <Addition

  • Rule 6.1 - and officers may not attempt to pursue, detain or arrest and warranted suspects prior to the crash, until 5 minutes have passed from the restart. < Addition
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