Rule Suggestion (4.4 Road Crew Workers)

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Suggestion Topic: 4.4 Road Crew Workers
Suggestion Description: Allow road crew workers to impound illegally parked cars, but only if they document it.

Currently, you have to call an officer to allow you to tow an illegally parked car, but most of the time they are busy, or they simply don't want to respond. I suggest that you should be able to if you document that it is in fact, parked illegally.

The most common method of this would be using a camera and taking a picture of it parked illegally, and if someone disputes it, it is up to the tow driver to provide the evidence that it was parked illegally.

Currently it is a bit of a slog when no officers are responding or not available to play RC as you're confined to just being a repair bot and getting the obvious cars out of the road.

Why should this be added?:
- Takes duties off of police
- Allows tow drivers to do more active gameplay
- More of a minor money sink for people having to pay impound fees

What negatives could this have?:
- People not documenting and towing, but could easily be solved if they do not provide evidence
I do agree that something needs to change regarding RC and their ability to impound cars. As you say, most of the time the Police are too busy to look into each case. For egregious cases I think it should be fine. For "it's slightly off the line" they should still require approval or a higher rank.

Maybe we could also try to steer the job from a mechanic to more of a parking enforcement agency, giving them more power but making the process of getting the role require more rule/parking law knowledge.

In the meantime, I've noticed that leveling up to Road Management Officer is quite the grind, we might have to look into tweaking the numbers.
I do agree that something needs to change regarding RC and their ability to impound cars. As you say, most of the time the Police are too busy to look into each case. For egregious cases I think it should be fine. For "it's slightly off the line" they should still require approval or a higher rank.

Maybe we could also try to steer the job from a mechanic to more of a parking enforcement agency, giving them more power but making the process of getting the role require more rule/parking law knowledge.

In the meantime, I've noticed that leveling up to Road Management Officer is quite the grind, we might have to look into tweaking the numbers.
It's extremely slow, and as someone who loves the RP, I'd love if roadcrew had a costume change, like a proper parking enforcement agency would.

Example here:

This is the local Irish Parking Agency uniform which I would love to see be swappable as done so with the Police High-Vis but would require atleast above apprentice.


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It's extremely slow, and as someone who loves the RP, I'd love if roadcrew had a costume change, like a proper parking enforcement agency would.

Example here:

This is the local Irish Parking Agency uniform which I would love to see be swappable as done so with the Police High-Vis but would require atleast above apprentice.
the garda
Asset forfeiture is almost entirely the sole reason Roadcrew can take cars within the context of a law violation. As long as the vehicle is not a major hazard, Roadcrew workers shouldn't be taking the cars that officers have not requested they remove. Its easier too, for logging purposes of which officer authorised the vehicle seizure to begin with. Since Roadcrew aren't law enforcement, they cant authorise asset forfeiture, only enact it on behalf of the Police Department.

There's no reason to change this as theres little effort in becoming a Roadcrew Worker in the first place or an established body to handle misconduct except for staff.
With the new system for giving tickets and jailing requiring a tickbox function of laws, would it not be beneficial for roadcrew to get a notification (much like the right click from ticket books on disabled and clamped cars) the second any ticket is given for 12.4 - allowing RC to come and tow the vehicle should it still be illegally parked on their arrival? This would make it somewhat automated and give RC implied permission to tow the car should it still be illegally parked, and give people more incentive to move their illegally parked cars instead of just leaving the ticket there to fester.
I don't think they should have more power as is. There is no real organisation structure as fleshed out as the PD within Roadcrew except for some ranks, if there are any issues or complaints it would be up to the Police to handle with misbehaving roadcrew workers enforcing traffic laws. They work for the government but that doesn't mean they should enforce laws in their own terms. I'm sure this already happens but it would probably become more prevalent if they got more power.

This would however encourage people to finally park properly as there could be a tow truck lurking around every corner lol

Overall neutral, I'd do a test run with higher roadcrew ranks first where you receive a tool to do this.
RC is not a law enforcement agency
They should only be able to tow upon request
ACTUAL law enforcement calls them OR private property infringements
This is how it SHOULD work, but police are extremely busy with the constant amount of crime and shootouts in the server already, and most don't take the time to even respond to a RC request due to what I just described.

Asset forfeiture is almost entirely the sole reason Roadcrew can take cars within the context of a law violation. As long as the vehicle is not a major hazard, Roadcrew workers shouldn't be taking the cars that officers have not requested they remove. Its easier too, for logging purposes of which officer authorised the vehicle seizure to begin with. Since Roadcrew aren't law enforcement, they cant authorise asset forfeiture, only enact it on behalf of the Police Department.

There's no reason to change this as theres little effort in becoming a Roadcrew Worker in the first place or an established body to handle misconduct except for staff.

In another post from Dom, I think notifying RC when a 12.4 ticket is given would also be a good idea, but I mainly bring this up to give tow drivers more to do than simply be a "500 dollar rc fix" bot most of the time, while barely getting any XP at all.

I don't think they should have more power as is. There is no real organisation structure as fleshed out as the PD within Roadcrew except for some ranks, if there are any issues or complaints it would be up to the Police to handle with misbehaving roadcrew workers enforcing traffic laws. They work for the government but that doesn't mean they should enforce laws in their own terms. I'm sure this already happens but it would probably become more prevalent if they got more power.

This would however encourage people to finally park properly as there could be a tow truck lurking around every corner lol

Overall neutral, I'd do a test run with higher roadcrew ranks first where you receive a tool to do this.

This is a big one, it would actually encourage people to park properly and a (very small) money sink to unimpound their car, but I see what you mean as they are not the be all end all for parking, but something in the current situation has to change in my opinion.

We might consider mechanic changes in the future, for now, we will be lowering the rank that can impound cars without Police permission
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