Rule Suggestion (6.2 Third-Party Tools)

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Suggestion Topic: 6.2 Third-Party Tools
Suggestion Description: Any third-party software, macros, scripts or content which give players an advantage over other players will not be tolerated and should not be used.

Any third-party software, macros, scripts or content (gun skins are permitted, as long as they are not made excessively visible) within which give players an advantage over other players will not be tolerated and should not be used.

Why should this be added?:
- Clearly not being enforced as quite a few people are using customized (reskinned) guns, here the skin of the gun is changed giving an advantage to the player as not only does this person have a great looking gun, it is CLEARLY better visible on the floor due to the bright colors as well as on a person as now bright colors pop past on a character make it easier to spot thus already an unenforced part of the rule. Therefore I would like to have content striped out as either a lot of people are breaking the rule right now or it should be allowed.

What negatives could this have?:
- possible wording might remove/allow other content that is not meant to be in the game, in the game
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Stark difference between an aestetics mod and modifying your content to make doors, specific props and walls see through for your gmod client exclusively, or making players and items glow.
Any third-party software, macros, scripts or content (gun skins are permitted, as long as they are sensibly made) within which give players an advantage over other players will not be tolerated and should not be used.
I think the creativity from the community here is something to not disregard at all and while it should be disallowed as it most certainly is something that people can actually gain an advantage from, a much better solution to keep everyone happy would be releasing skins for guns so everyone gets the same visibility (oh god I said it), it would also bring more value to certain guns with certain skins creating a new economy.
I agree tbh, but honestly, how do we even enforce it? Afaik it cannot be seen unless someone clips their GMOD
I don't think custom weapon skins gives a significant enough advantage over other players to the point where it is going to be necessary to limit it. Obviously if players find a way to literally make them glow in the dark or show through walls or something stupid then they are taking the piss and we will end up dealing with it, but I don't see this as necessary at the moment. It may be weapon skins become an actual game feature in the future in which case it will be easier to control but at this stage as a community manager do not feel it is necessary to limit players creativity in this case.
I don't think custom weapon skins gives a significant enough advantage over other players to the point where it is going to be necessary to limit it. Obviously if players find a way to literally make them glow in the dark or show through walls or something stupid then they are taking the piss and we will end up dealing with it, but I don't see this as necessary at the moment. It may be weapon skins become an actual game feature in the future in which case it will be easier to control but at this stage as a community manager do not feel it is necessary to limit players creativity in this case.
W response
I don't think custom weapon skins gives a significant enough advantage over other players to the point where it is going to be necessary to limit it. Obviously if players find a way to literally make them glow in the dark or show through walls or something stupid then they are taking the piss and we will end up dealing with it, but I don't see this as necessary at the moment. It may be weapon skins become an actual game feature in the future in which case it will be easier to control but at this stage as a community manager do not feel it is necessary to limit players creativity in this case.
it is in no way an attempt to limit but rather to change an old rule that is outdated and should be updated to allow these customisation and control it, (try hiding a gun in a darker place and it sticks out like a sore thumb with the scar/asiimov and any other skin) it is against the rules, I think @rxsm gave a great example on how it should be allowing custom things as it adds fun and creativity to the server.

As currently according to rule 6.2 it is in breach as it is a customisation that only certain players have access to and gives an advantage due to the guns being more visible hence giving an "unfair" advantage how small this may be.

I will edit the thread to reflects rxsm comment
I believe all of you are missing an important point, some skins do show them more easily. Any bright color will be a lot easier to spot in comparison to the default black guns. I believe we can only allow skins if all skins that are allowed, are provided to the entire community.
I believe all of you are missing an important point, some skins do show them more easily. Any bright color will be a lot easier to spot in comparison to the default black guns. I believe we can only allow skins if all skins that are allowed, are provided to the entire community.
Its not that hard to make them
Those who sell skins will down vote to preserve their business model.

Those who bought/made skins will down vote to preserve their exclusivity

Those who want skins will up vote just to get access

Those who want fair gameplay for now will agree with @curak

The IDEAL way of making it truly fair in my opinion is to ban reskinning ALL Guns to a certain skin but instead suggesting a Skin Shop where skin makers can gain ingame cash by the people who buy their skin they can implement into this store. The skin buyer can equip whatever skin they own on the gun or unequip it instantly but these skins are server side and they appear on their gun to everybody making it so their gun is illuminated by bright colors instead of the reverse where others' guns are illuminated. Logically this makes sense, People color their guns black to be hidden and as concealed as possible. When you paint a gun with funny colors it takes that concealment away sort of.