19/11/2017 - Rule Changes

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Fredy finished his crash restore system, so of course a new rule is needed. Let us know if you find any issues with the crash restore system.​

Rule Changes
  • 2.4 Exchanging In-Game Items funds for Real Funds
    In-game Items and benefits (such as invitations to organisations) may not be sold/traded for real/virtual item(s)....
  • 3.28 Being Tied-up/Gagged
    When a player has been gagged, in some form by another player, the former player can only become ungagged with the use of the ‘/me’ function by any player who is not tied-up. Players should refer to rule 3.27 if they have been restrained for an excessive amount of time and they are not part of any active role play situation. Players may not use the ‘/me’ function to tie up players, instead they must use the craftable ‘Zip Ties’ item to tie up other players.
  • 3.29 Bank Robbery Hostages
    While preparing for, and during bank robberies, players may not take other players as hostages to use in the bank robbery.
  • 4.5 The Mayor
    The Mayor may not add-to, remove-from, and/or modify the Paralake Penal Code.
Rule Additions
  • 6.1 Server Crashes/Restarts
    On the event of a server crash or restart, players and props will be returned to their previous locations. Players should not continue any previous role play situations, unless agreed upon by everyone involved. Players should not engage in any criminal activity until 5 minutes have passed from the restart.
  • 6.2 Third-Party Software, Macros and Scripts
    Any third-party software, macros or scripts which give players an advantage over other players will not be tolerated and should not be used.
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When a player has been gagged, in some form by another player, the former player can only become ungagged with the direct assistance of another player - the ‘/me’ function must be used where appropriate.
How does this work? If you're not tied up (anymore) and your hands are free why shoudn't you be able to remove the gag placed on you? Makes no sense to me ;/
Hey they made cheating against the rules now. I’m glad my suggestion came in handy.
Players should not engage in any criminal activity until 5 minutes have passed from the restart.

What about placed drugs ? After server crash the drugs stay in place

and btw i already found a bug and posted on github about server crash restore
"Any third-party software, macros or scripts which give players an advantage over other players will not be tolerated and should not be used."

Does this mean we can't use macros for crafting anymore?
Surely server restore means someone could come on before you, bobby pin your house and take all your shit which means I’d be losing money.

Have you thought of this?

I’d rather have it in my storage thank you where it’s safe.

@Fredy @Bolli
Surely server restore means someone could come on before you, bobby pin your house and take all your shit which means I’d be losing money.

Have you thought of this?

I’d rather have it in my storage thank you where it’s safe.

@Fredy @Bolli
If im not mistaken it alsl states people may not do any criminal activities for 5 minutes, and if i read wrong, it should be added, probably even highered to a 10 minute mark, as this could inderd mean many people lose their stuff.
Players should not engage in any criminal activity until 5 minutes have passed from the restart.
If im not mistaken it alsl states people may not do any criminal activities for 5 minutes, and if i read wrong, it should be added, probably even highered to a 10 minute mark, as this could inderd mean many people lose their stuff.

A rule being in place and players doing another thing is totally different. 5 minutes is a very short time and the player could be involved in an rp situation meaning there drugs will be taken.
What if you were raiding and lets say you won the raid and you are collecting all the drugs and the server crashing, what to do? Since you are still in a house from someone else
Rule Additions
  • 6.1 Server chraches/restart
On the event of a server crash or restart, players and props will be returned to their previous locations. Players should not continue any previous role play situations, unless agreed upon by everyone involved. Players should not engage in any criminal activity until 5 minutes have passed from the restart.

Shame that this rule is needed.
"On the event of a server crash or restart, players and props will be returned to their previous locations. Players should not continue any previous role play situations, unless agreed upon by everyone involved. Players should not engage in any criminal activity until 5 minutes have passed from the restart."

So basically, if the server crashes when I'm being raided I can just say "Nah bruv get lost" When we rejoin?
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