Rule Suggestion (New Rule)

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Suggestion Topic: New Rule
Suggestion Description: Adding a new rule, which is much needed, regarding police officers.

Previously this was not necessary however we now have new players in droves who go cop and have to be dealt with by IA for very specific policy breaks. These officers however do not provide statements and overall delay their punishment process heavily.

Due to this, I think it’s finally time rule 4.9: Police Officers gets added.

I am proposing the rule state this:

4.9: Police Officers:
Police Officers may not fine or arrest players over the legal set limit unless an officer ranked Lieutenant or above has authorised it. Police officers must not drive on the wrong side of the highway unless in direct preservation of their own life. Police officers are expected to enforce and follow the law at all times and act on crimes that they have witnessed. Police officers must have a clear sight of drugs in order to request and set a warrant and be able to identify what drug they have seen.

Why should this be added?:
- DarkRP players going cop and thinking their job correlates to DarkRPs version of police where they have to sit around and find proof to raid people such as entity sounds have less reason to believe so.
- Police are notified they are to intervene in crime.
- Make it more obvious that overcharging suspects is disallowed and give staff a better way of dealing with charges over the legal limit.
- Certain situations that have been left to IA solely can be dealt with in a more fitting and swift manner.

What negatives could this have?:
- More rules?
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