What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Add a rule which is like 3.4 and 2.1 but a separate rule which states running behind a moving car or in front of a moving car would be 3.4 or 2.1 or a rule number of your choice, for example 9.7
Your version of the rule: Players must act as if they were crossing a road in real life/not doing unnecessary stuff for no reason
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: (Be extensive and descriptive) This applies more when being police, for example i jump in my car after a suspect has just drove off some idiot decides to run behind my car and completely ruins the rp for me and then i got to jump out explain why i am giving a ticket or i can be warned for 2.1 not explaining the ticket and at this point the car i was going to chase has gone. All because some guy on purpose runs behind my car and doesn't move, causing me to be blocked.
Your version of the rule: Players must act as if they were crossing a road in real life/not doing unnecessary stuff for no reason
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: (Be extensive and descriptive) This applies more when being police, for example i jump in my car after a suspect has just drove off some idiot decides to run behind my car and completely ruins the rp for me and then i got to jump out explain why i am giving a ticket or i can be warned for 2.1 not explaining the ticket and at this point the car i was going to chase has gone. All because some guy on purpose runs behind my car and doesn't move, causing me to be blocked.
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