S.W.A.T. Shotgun breaching unit.

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Topic: New breaching unit.

Short explanation (in notes):
- Adding new breaching equipment available in the armory.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Adding a new breaching equipment, the shotgun. Will make breaching doors more efficient with only 3 uses.
And to even it out, there must be 4 S.W.A.T. In service for this equipment to be available, and it will not allow you to use a primary firearm.

I have also noticed a different server using this breaching technique, however that server is most likely dead by now.

This of course can be configured to go better with the server and balance it out.
I see what you want added, I don't see why. Please explain to me what this adds and how it would be any better/different than what is already available.
I don't like it because when swat places C2 now you can hear it and get a chance to spray them trough the wall, with that they will just shoot the door open and catch everyone off guard..
That's the entire point of it.

Cops catch people off-guard IRL, so why shouldn't they be able to do it here? Besides, if your people aren't retards then they'll probably spot them entering the property and/or will be able to counter the SWAT officers.
Reminds me of the Clockwork way of breaching doors, where shooting a lock could open the door and using a shotgun would blow the entire door out.
Its dangerous the shots might penetrate the door killing or injuring anyone. And since you do not know who is on the other side for all you know you could shoot a hostage. This has to much risk to it and plus if you want to avoid getting shot to shoot the hinges with a shotgun you still have to be close due to the shotguns spray effect needing to be concentrated on one point.

This tactic should be for more than SWAT, though. Because if raiders could just go around with Benelli's on their back, it would make the raiding WAY too unbalanced. But the SWAT using it (With certain rules) would be perfectly fair, so yes, I think that more people should try and +Support this.
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If you really think a breaching shotgun can kill someone who happens to be in the way you're wrong. Only if you're standing right up next to the lock you could be severely injured; The breaching shotgun has teeth at the front. These teeth make sure that the impact focuses entirely on the lock or wherever you stick those teeth in (front of the gun). They also use special rounds that don't penetrate as much, and only cause an explosion to the lock itself. And yes, it would be possibly in real life to stick the teeth into someone's face and pull the trigger... But other than that you can't really kill with it unless some kind of miracle happens or the guy is stupid enough to try and look through the lock with his eye... RIP.
It would be too OP in my opinion to be honest, If this would be added why wouldn't citizens do the same then?
How is this going to affect the server other than making a loud arse battering ram that would cause nearby government employees set off their panic. Basically useless is my point, this is just going to become a reskined battering ram that disables a SWAT from being strong by taking his primary off him.
I feel this could be a nice addition to the server, if balanced out properly. Perhaps there could be some rules or restrictions in regards to it's use, e.g.: The breaching shotgun can only be used on certain properties, which in normal circumstances would be too risky for the police to breach with C2, like the apartments and stores, which are easily defendable and are small enough so that criminals inside can hear C2 placement and kill the police through the door, however in bigger structures, like houses and industrial buildings, only C2 is permitted.

You mentioned it will be more effective, explain to me why it's not exactly the same as C2:
Element of surprise

The SWAT has to stand in front of the door which will have him a much easier target for wall banging
Disables the primary weapon for SWAT which will make him a much easier target to shoot considering he is standing right infront of Fatima's AK-47 barrel.
AFAIK people wants to raid criminals quiet and without explosion or maybe they just bored using battering ram or swats bored using c2, or maybe both.

But, here is my suggestion;

If you guys want to raid suspects quiet or without explosive?

Actually, i have an idea called Snap Gun (Universally called Police Lockpick), its quiet and almost instantly success on opening a door without keys or raw brutallity.

You guys can see more below about Snap Gun aka. Police Lockpick;

Snap Gun - Wiki
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