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Vantaa, Southern Finland, Finland


✪Who are we?✪

We are a small group of Scandinavians.

Member List✪


Julius Montana
Aaron Martin
Jorma Pentikainen
Karl Anderson
Wade Scott
Finn Avon
Wilson McKnight
Dylan Roof

✪ Main Weapons We Use

The Southern Paralake KKK Chapter
Trollstation Paralake

Le Cum Nostrils

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Your local KKK Chapter wishes to ally with the people of the blonde hair and blue eyed race as they are of Aryan blood.
Finland is not a part of Scandinavia. It's a Nordic country, but not in Scandinavia.
IC: I am currently on a vacation (sadly). I'll be back with my family in a week. I would be glad to kill you all and have your heads sent to The Southern Paralake KKK Chapter. We are now at war with 3 organisations at the same time and will make them all suffer. You just started this war and the end is near. This org won't last long. ;)

See you in hell,
George Schurr

War Declaration
"La Cosa Nostra has declared war against this organization in support of our closest allies, Crafting+. This organization has declared our allies as enemies hence forth we will act upon it and wipe this disgraceful organization off the face of the Earth.

If you wish to end this war before you doom is inevitable, contact the Leader of La Cosa Nostra and/or the Leader of Crafting+ and come to terms, this will be your only chance until you realize the mistake you have taken.
We do not wish you luck for it will not save you anyways".

-Zack Robberts
with permission of Fredy Standish-Newman.
A message to all of you in Scandicks.

I have seen that you guys raided 1 of my org member earlier today, sadly he took 1 down with him.
Later the guy in the video, got totaly fucked over, but sadly thats not in the video, thanks to @D3V n' C+ for the backup.

1 thing i don't really understand, why overhype that you killed 1-2 of my org members and then killed like 2 SWAT that wasen't ready, why make a Video out of it and leave the part where you got rekt? Why even spam that video everywhere and say that we suck? What's the point, i don't get it. The only thing i remember today was you Scandick cunts got rekt over and over, look, remember one thing, you can always surrender or you can get totally fucked over by us, its your choice.

Just a little reminder
its COSA NOSTRA you fake scandinavian cunts.

Bullets will be raining your way pretty soon
Kind fucking regards, Ljungberg.
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You find a letter in your mailbox.

Destiny will be assisting La Cosa Nostra and Crafting+ in the war against you.
Oh by the way, I don't want a fucking alliance with you guys.

We take no prisoners.
removed because i think i said a racist word for people in norway and other countries
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As @Synatec said,

We are assisting Crafting+ and La Cosa Nostra, in the war against you, good luck, you quite need it.

~Frank, Destiny Consigliere.
As @Synatec said,

We are assisting Crafting+ and La Cosa Nostra, in the war against you, good luck, you quite need it.

~Frank, Destiny Consigliere.
I think saying that you're in war with them once is enough, else every member of the org will go post a 'we go in war with you' on this thread (on phone)
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