Server Event: 18/10/14 - 5:00PM CEST Saturday

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Server Event: 18/10/14 - 5:00PM CEST Saturday

EVENT: Beach Derby

5:00PM - Prize: 1st place: '50,000'

Winner(s): Mr. Black | Joe Bishop

Description: A platform is built above the sea and people who want to participate will bring their cars to the beach, staff members will physgun their cars onto the platform. When the event starts, the aim is to knock everybody else into the water using your car.

EVENT: Bat Battle

6:00PM - Prize: 1st place: '$75,000' 2nd place: '$50,000' 3rd place: '$25,000'

#1 Niko
#2 Moher4ghost
#3 Willis

Description: Somewhere on the map, a small arena is built. When it's ready, the people that want to participate will be taken to the arena, everybody is given a bat and when it starts, the chaos will begin. No bandages or stim packs are allowed, we're checking everybody coming to the event, if you have one you will not be participating in future events.

EVENT: Suburb Deathmatch

8:00PM - Prize: The surviving people on the team that wins gets '$75,000'

Winner(s): Mr.Black

Description: Suburbs Deathmatch is located at the Suburban District believe it or not, there are 2 teams and everyone is given a Primary and Secondary weapon, along with some miscellaneous items, like a bandage or two. The two teams are placed on separate sides of the Suburbs and when they are signaled to go, they will begin the fight.

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I want to play subs deathmatch, but my bedtime is 7:30, cause I'm a bad ass I'll stay an half hour later, cause swag.
Events Over

Beach Derby:

Winner: Mr.Black (Joe Bishop)

Bat Battle:


#1 Niko
#2 Moher4ghost
#3 Willis

Suburbs Deathmatch:

Winner: Mr.Black (Joe Bishop)

Congratulations to the Winners and thank you all for participating.

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