@Ayjay I agree, it really depends on what the update is. Quality of life is certainly welcome, but something that can keep people drawn in would certainly be far better. I think being allowed to earn buckets of cash to buy your dream car as soon as you've done one or two weeks worth of powergrowing for that million dollar stupidly fast car you've wanted shouldn't be a thing, getting to that point should be harder, and the massive wall between low-marks sweaters and high-marks veteran players should be torn down. It's a huge deterrent for newer players because they quickly realize that older players just take a colossal dump on them because they saw some leaves in the window.
I got burnt out due to a lack of things to do, every time I joined I would default to going on-duty, or just drive around aimlessly to see what people were up to. I had already done all the powergrowing I could be bothered to, and I certainly don't like getting into shootouts. I started progressing in the PD because I was out of options, and it worked, until I realized with the lack of a proper playerbase, there was little point. On top of that, I'd also get tired of that eventually.
Believe what you want, getting banned forced me out of the habit of joining perp whenever I got really bored, and I started exploring different things and new games, and got into contact with friends I've had since before I joined perp, so honestly I did myself a favor, at the cost of my position in the PD.
You experience a lot of the same on Perp, you're either growing drugs, fishing, driving around, in a job that isn't police, you're police or you're in a shootout somehow. Taxi driver is redundant because a lot of people own a car already, and the map isn't big enough for newer players to really be interested in calling for one.
As cop you're not really defusing situations, people don't care what you say, and the words you say hold no value to the person hearing them because at the end of the day, Perp is essentially consequence-free. Oh sure, you lose a couple of guns, or your drugs if arrested, if you have any, but that's the extent of it.
I personally think that there should be far more risk to dying to force people to start valuing their lives and develop different strategies, like using snipers and utilizing spots that would make you hard to spot to take down a target instead of rushing into a home with an AK and firing at anything you see while rushing forward with your bum-buddy holding his little tweezers you call bobby pins, or just straight up bombing the place.
I think that perp could be far better, it just needs work, but you also gotta keep in mind that it's been worked on for over 6 years now AFAIK. Burnt out devs isn't a far fetched thought.