Server Suggestion Server Suggestion (Add a med kit that full heals you)

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Description of the idea: Implement a medical kit that fully heals you. It will act like a combined stim pack and splint except it will uncripple you, as if a medic is using their own med kit. This would be a one-time use item and it would take a fair 10 seconds to apply meaning you have to be in cover for a prolonged period of time. It shouldn't cost too much either but more than a bandage.

Why should this be added? (pros):
-Allows criminals to heal themselves and be able to move around without being crippled and trapped.
-Is relatively realistic as it can act as a first aid kit to substitute for having to call a medic or go to the hospital.
-Easy to implement on the coding side, the model shouldn't be too hard either since you can just use the medic's health kit but have it as a one-time use thing.
-Medics will be taken hostage to heal people less often.

What negatives could this have? (cons):

- Gives a slight advantage to criminals in combat
-Unrealistic?? But then again having your legs suddenly fixed by a medic does the same thing
Maybe it should also be quite loud so its not that easy to use whilst in direct combat?
my suggestion was they add a surgical kit in its own category that either fixes legs or fully replenishes a player's health, but with requirements such as first aid level 4. i don't really see any cons to it, seeing as sometimes you have to push out but can't because there aren't any medics around, and it'll probably be somewhat expensive to craft ($3,000 - 5,000?)
I can’t support this. It’s simply way too OP and if you’re legs are broken you go see a health professonial. Implementing this would make every player a doctor lol. You claim medics fixing broken legs that quick is, as unrealistic, would you rather have limited mobility for 5hours, simulating being in a cast? Don’t add it, this will ruin the medics job, just like wrenches fucked RC.
As someone who owns a permanent medicinal vape on a DarkRP server, Its very overpowered to just be able to heal yourself almost completely in a combat situation. This would have to be priced at high costs which wont be an issue for rich players, This would make raiders and defenders far too powerful.
I see no need for this when we have stimpacks, bandages and splints that already fulfil niche roles. Why ruin the perfectly good system we have by adding an overpowered DarkRP-esque magic healing box.

This would take away a lot of work for medics, and in addition would be very op.
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