[SFM Animation] Running Animation Cycle

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United Kingdom
Well, after doing a bunch of renders, I decided I wanted to try out animation again after taking a considerable amount of time away from it to focus on learning other aspects of SFM through creating all my previous renders for PERP. And with all the knowledge I gained and watching a few videos on animation in order to learn different animators' methods of creating videos, I managed to make this.

I'm considerably proud of this as I'd personally say this is my best animation to date due to how detailed the animation itself is when comparing my previous work. Maybe this is a starting point for me to consider creating potential animations for PERP in the future... who knows? :P
Always had a thought in the back of my head about it. Been thinking that SFM could be a good way to show off my skills and development so I guess we'll see what the future holds haha.
Take a chance. You might surprise yourself.

If companies ask for evidence, just show them these renders, albeit it from source filmmaker.