It's kinda true that UK doesn't have a big problem with gun attacks, but have you guys forgotten about the gangs, knife and acid attacks?

> You're in a discussion on the internet.
> You're faced with a legit argument, i.e "UK doesn't have a big problem with gun attacks".
> Starts_sweating.jpg
> Desperately thinking of a good comeback.
> "I'tS KiNdA true"

No. It's not "kinda true", it's true. Want proof? UK had 6,694 reported gun crimes in all of 2017, does that seem bad? Meh. It's not bad compared to the USA's 14.000 gun crimes IN THE FIRST 4 MONTHS OF 2018.

Also, stop trying to justify it by bringing up an issue which is admittedly big(such as the knife and acid attacks) but nowhere close to as big of an issue as the gun crimes in the US. No-one has "forgotten about the gangs, knife and acid attacks", but it's a pretty different story. It's a big problem, but stop trying to make it seem like it's even remotely close to the issue that the US is faced with guns.
Oh sure, If you ban guns in America or the majority of them there will be a civil war.
All I am saying is that the 2nd Amendment should be reworked.
These are the guns they had when it was created.

>Spy over them and watch everything they do
>Log their data for NSA collection while invading your privacy
>Send your children off to fight "terrorists" but instead you get some $$$ OIL and leave

>No civil war

>Takes your handgun

>Civil war
Changing? It's more than changing. You guys are talking about banning all weapons, which is against the 2nd amendment. The reason to why they even added that amendment was to make sure another tyranical governemnt wouldn't happen again.

And please, don't compare USA's crime to Scotland's crime. They're two different countries with different cultures. That's like me comparing the american prisons to the norwegian prisons.

It's kinda true that UK doesn't have a big problem with gun attacks, but have you guys forgotten about the gangs, knife and acid attacks?
2nd amendment is disabled scotland doesn’t have to follow it.

don’t compare one countries crime to another’s because they’re “different”. why does culture matter, the point is america has a problem, scotland doesn’t. america should take a leaf from our books. also your point about comparing norwegian prisons to american is completely invalid. prisons have different interiors, rules, people inside. prisons are completely different inside and out. guns are all the same, with different outside designs.

scotland somewhat has a bit of a knife problem but about 5000 people commit knife crimes, with only a tiny percentage of that actually resulting in death. compared to america’s insane amount of gun related deaths. you really can’t compare them.

and acid attacks rarely to ever happen in scotland.
> You're in a discussion on the internet.
> You're faced with a legit argument, i.e "UK doesn't have a big problem with gun attacks".
> Starts_sweating.jpg
> Desperately thinking of a good comeback.
> "I'tS KiNdA true"

No. It's not "kinda true", it's true. Want proof? UK had 6,694 reported gun crimes in all of 2017, does that seem bad? Meh. It's not bad compared to the USA's 14.000 gun crimes IN THE FIRST 4 MONTHS OF 2018.

Also, stop trying to justify it by bringing up an issue which is admittedly big(such as the knife and acid attacks) but nowhere close to as big of an issue as the gun crimes in the US. No-one has "forgotten about the gangs, knife and acid attacks", but it's a pretty different story. It's a big problem, but stop trying to make it seem like it's even remotely close to the issue that the US is faced with guns.

Their argument was to "ban all guns". Which is a breach of the 2nd amendment. All of the people here were comparing their own countries to the US. and of course the gun crimes in USA is a huge problem right now. What I'm saying it comparing Scotland to America wont help. It's true that UK had 6k reported gun crimes, but why did you leave out the knife attacks in it? There were 27k knife offences recorded in 2017. Should we ban all knives now?

I agree that the gun laws should be WORKED on, meaning that it should be harder to get weapons . But banning them is the dumbest idea you can do.
Their argument was to "ban all guns". Which is a breach of the 2nd amendment. All of the people here were comparing their own countries to the US. and of course the gun crimes in USA is a huge problem right now. What I'm saying it comparing Scotland to America wont help. It's true that UK had 6k reported gun crimes, but why did you leave out the knife attacks in it? There were 27k knife offences recorded in 2017. Should we ban all knives now?

I agree that the gun laws should be WORKED on, meaning that it should be harder to get weapons . But banning them is the dumbest idea you can do.

Guns aren't banned in Scotland. You just need a license and a reason to own one that isn't MUH FREEDOM.
Point of the matter is guns aren't the problem as they can be legally owned in many countries around the world with minimal gun crime. The problem is Americans. I propose banning all Americans to stop gun crime once and for all.
Point of the matter is guns aren't the problem as they can be legally owned in many countries around the world with minimal gun crime. The problem is Americans. I propose banning all Americans to stop gun crime once and for all.

heheh i dont think banning americans is against the constitution
There were 27k knife offences recorded in 2017. Should we ban all knives now?

No. No we shouldn't ban all knives. Wanna know why? Because stabbing isn't the primary use for a knife. People use knifes for tonnes of other things that hurt no one.

I'd love to see what other purposes you can find for guns. Apart from shooting and killing people. And yes, I know that you can use guns for hunting animals(not classmates), but people hunt animals in Denmark too, but we require a strict permit for such activities. I'd fucking love to see any logical reason as to why USA can't have the same gun policies as Denmark. The only reason I have heard is "Hurr durr it's been like that forever and it's part of our right and therefor you shouldn't change it". It's fucking stupid, ignorant and incompetent.
tfw all it takes is a couple of shootings in the U.S and all of a sudden people are experts on gun laws and gun deaths in said country because they saw an article on buzzfeed or whatever
Point of the matter is guns aren't the problem as they can be legally owned in many countries around the world with minimal gun crime. The problem is Americans. I propose banning all Americans to stop gun crime once and for all.
hi jimmy
i porpoise to ban all you!! he he!
The only reason I have heard is "Hurr durr it's been like that forever and it's part of our right and therefor you shouldn't change it". It's fucking stupid, ignorant and incompetent.

Not that you shouldn't, YOU CAN NOT FUCKING CHANGE IT! As your friend I SERIOUSLY suggest jumping into these kind of debates because you always prove to have a very ignorant side to yourself.
No. No we shouldn't ban all knives. Wanna know why? Because stabbing isn't the primary use for a knife. People use knifes for tonnes of other things that hurt no one.

I'd love to see what other purposes you can find for guns. Apart from shooting and killing people. And yes, I know that you can use guns for hunting animals(not classmates), but people hunt animals in Denmark too, but we require a strict permit for such activities. I'd fucking love to see any logical reason as to why USA can't have the same gun policies as Denmark. The only reason I have heard is "Hurr durr it's been like that forever and it's part of our right and therefor you shouldn't change it". It's fucking stupid, ignorant and incompetent.

It's part of the fucking constitution, what's so hard to understand? Guns are apart of their culture.
Americans (normally) use their weapons for protection, hunting and sport.

There was a story of this black man who had his house broken in a few years ago. The people were armed with only handguns. Now this black guy could've chosen picking up his 9mm, or his AR15. That one shot from the Ar15 scared away the robbers. In the US, they believe changing the 2nd amendment is the same as changing the 1st amendment.

The first 10 amendments is literally called "The bill of rights", so why should they change it? It's not "stupid, ignorant and incompetent". What you saying is "stupid, ignorant and incompetent". Do you not know how important patriotism is in USA?
It's part of the fucking constitution, what's so hard to understand? Guns are apart of their culture.
Americans (normally) use their weapons for protection, hunting and sport.

There was a story of this black man who had his house broken in a few years ago. The people were armed with only handguns. Now this black guy could've chosen picking up his 9mm, or his AR15. That one shot from the Ar15 scared away the robbers. In the US, they believe changing the 2nd amendment is the same as changing the 1st amendment.

The first 10 amendments is literally called "The bill of rights", so why should they change it? It's not "stupid, ignorant and incompetent". What you saying is "stupid, ignorant and incompetent". Do you not know how important patriotism is in USA?
Well maybe if those people didn't have any handguns the black man wouldn't need to have an Ar-15 underneath his bed.
Well maybe if those people didn't have any handguns the black man wouldn't need to have an Ar-15 underneath his bed.

Do you actually think gang members get guns legally? Be fucking real for a second, buddy.
Heroin is a class 1 drug which is also illegal. You can't just go out and buy it, can you? You get them from the black market, which is illegal. And you don't even know the reason why the black guy even owned the Ar15, stop jumping to conclusions.
Not that you shouldn't, YOU CAN NOT FUCKING CHANGE IT! As your friend I SERIOUSLY suggest jumping into these kind of debates because you always prove to have a very ignorant side to yourself.

I'm fully aware that you cannot change it. But I just wanna know, if you could change it, why shouldn't you.

I'm also fully aware that guns have always been an important part of the american culture and life, but when is it enough? I know that I don't live in the US, and that I honestly could choose to not care at all, but it annoys me that innocent people are being killed like this, with weapons that really aren't necessary. Sure, they might be necessary when people with guns break into your house, but why not just make sure that no one has guns.

Again, I know that you can't change it, as it is in the constitution, and my problem is not with Americans as a whole, but I can't understand the logic behind the ones who do everything in their power to protect their right to own guns. I'm just looking for real logical reasons as to why it is important, other than "because the criminals have guns".

I'm gonna stop here because we all know that our opinions aren't going to change a single bit no matter what the other person says.
Do you actually think gang members get guns legally? Be fucking real for a second, buddy.
Heroin is a class 1 drug which is also illegal. You can't just go out and buy it, can you? You get them from the black market, which is illegal. And you don't even know the reason why the black guy even owned the Ar15, stop jumping to conclusions.

Is this black guy a personal story of yours or is it a news grab BuDDy, because I'd like to see the post since these people are apparently gang members.
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The thing is, these events only become publicized solely because its easy for the media to make this sort of incidents into spectacles for the viewers.
These mass shootings (on schools, the one in las vegas, sutherland church) all account for a very small percentage of actual gun deaths in the United States
What they say is that kids are being murdered by thousands and that gun violence on these "soft targets" are a massive issue.
Whether one wants to argue that gun laws are too lax, I could understand, but the majority of gun violence stems from gang activities (mostly black-on-black crime) and is an extremely large problem in black, or poorer neighborhoods where these things happen daily. Considering blacks commit over 50% of the murders in the U.S, despite only being ~15% of the population should be very alarming

Not to mention the fact that a very, and I mean very large portion of the U.S population does not actually own a gun at all, gun violence prevalent among normal citizens is not as big an issue as the media would have you believe.
The thing is, these events only become publicized solely because its easy for the media to make this sort of incidents into spectacles for the viewers.
These mass shootings (on schools, the one in las vegas, sutherland church) all account for a very small percentage of actual gun deaths in the United States

Terrorism kills few people comparatively each year yet its a huge issue. Are you trying to argue that since mass-shootings account for a small percentage that they aren't a huge issue which needs to be dealt with?

You can't not attract attention to a scene where a gunman has entered a school and mowed down a bunch of kids same as you can't not attract attention to a suicide attack in a shopping centre.

Mass-shootings are attracting attention not just to themselves but the whole problem of guns in America. Focusing the spotlight on them is a good thing to raise awareness.