Shop burned down

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Parts Unknown
Your Steam/In-game Name: Slayerduck / Joe Baggers
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jose-fernandez Garcia-Martinez
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:98922994
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Massive 2.5

I was playing blackjack when shit went down and somebody shot a cop, swat and police came in and then suddenly my entire shop was set on fire, all my props burned down and everybody inside almost died.

My shop burning:

Then i had a sit with mexicano who said he did it because i threatened to moly his stores, i explained to him it was a joke and i would never do it. And that saying something is different from actually burning down a store full of props and 7 people inside, he disagreed.

few points i'd like to point out on the sit.

1) He said its not his responsibility to see how many people are inside. That is false, it actually is. In addition I'm pretty sure there were also multiple outside and it was riddled with cars because the entire police force was there.
2) He said he would get killed if he would go inside. This is false, its an open casino. Adverted many times, nobody would get killed for entering.
3) Literately this entire 'you threatened us' is bogus and an excuse, it was over 1.5 hours in between i 'threatened' him and my store being burned. I can upload the entire shadowplay if anyone doubts the timeframe.
4) Even if i did threaten him for real (and i didn't as seen in the last vid) its STILL 2.5 to trow a molo and try to burn down 7 people just to get to me.

The sit:

They had bought out all bazaar shops preventing people from setting up anything unless they paid.
The next video is me 'threatening' to burn down his stores. It was clearly a joking matter and we were having a laugh about it, while in the sit he said he took it all serious. In addition my shop was burning down over an 1.5 hours after this video. Why wait until its full of people and props? This last bit was uploaded because maxicano's only defense was that i threatened him and that's why he decided to burn down my store together with all the people and props inside.

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-Completely irrelevant comment removed-, but yea you threatened to molly us and got us arrested. The only reason we were laughing was because, we were going to kill you if you did.
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Please upload the 45-minute shadow play as you said in the administration situation or a demo with a tick.
Even if the reason for molotoving the shop was valid, which I doubt it was, it was done at a stupid time. The shop contained Baggers, 2 customers, 2 SWAT, 2 medics and 3 cops. That's 10 people that would have burned to death if @Brinch didn't show up with a hefty supply of extinguishers. Burning 10 people to death + a bunch of props, a tv and a couple of drug plants over the dumb threat Baggers made over an hour earlier is the very definition of 2.5. It was excessive negativity. It's not like it wouldn't have been easy to just shoot Baggers down in his shop, which as far as I can see was an open blackjack shop with an unlocked door. The molotov was unnecessary and was in my opinion a clear breakage of both 3.4 and 2.5.
After reviewing the evidence provided this is my opinion.

Rule 2.5: Excessive Nevativity:
You killed 10 people over a threat that occured a fair while ago and never happend, there may have been slight confusions to the two parties but the timing of the molotov was terrible with 10 people inside the property it was a terrible choice to make.

Rule 3.4: Putting your life/freesom at risk:
There was multiple officers on scene and you risked your possible freedom or life to kill one person while there was a big police presence in the area which could have got you shot down or arrested.
On the demo a officer shoots someone at the end but you cannot see who so i dont know if that was you or not.

Overall i am supporting this Action Request for the reasoning above.
It was most likely miss communication by the two parties but regardless it was stupid to kill 10 people over one guy.
I fully support this Action Request for the following reasons

3.4 Putting your Life at Risk
As Jose-fernandez Garcia-Martinez burned down a shop with five police officers, one medic and two civilians he risked being jailed for 10 years or even shot by the officer(s) outside.

2.5 Excessive Negativity
Jose-fernandez Garcia-Martinez killed about eight people and destroyed props with an molotov for a threat that was made a while back by Joe Baggers.

The time of the threat was somewhere near 13:39 and the bombing was somewhere near 22:25 IG time.
-/+ Support. Legit reason to molotov your shop in my eyes but the timing could have been a lot better. He could have waited till all the cops left then done it. Don't really think this is 2.5 towards you but the others in the shop.
+ support. The reason for them to molotov you is alright, but as Dee said. they should have waited some time to molotov ya, atleast until all the police and swat was gone. "Realistic roleplay" nobody in irl would just go and molotov when police was inside and at shop.

So, I figured I'd explain as to why a ban will be in put into place for all of those wondering:

  1. "He threatened to phone the police on us" - This wasn't a direct threat on your life, he wasn't calling the police over a situation where you'd of shot someone; it was over the fact that you had purchased every single shop within the bazaar, even if the police were to take action, they wouldn't of been able to do something that'd of directly impacted your life.
  2. Your reasoning for molotoving a shop full of props isn't good enough. Just because someone uses words as a simple threat doesn't mean you can go ahead and resort to burning down their entire work place, costing them thousands and possibly killing Joe in the process, the risk doesn't outweigh the benefits. What should you of done? Phoned the police and explained the situation to them and gotten him dealt with that way. Look, regardless of what you roleplay as you still need to roleplay in accordance to server rules, your actions were a direct breach of 2.5, thereby leading to a ban being put in place for the person who threw the molotov.
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