Shout(banter)box - Rules & Regulations


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Leeds, England.
Please note :: Don't take anything seriously in this thread, it's purely for banter

It's come to my attention that many people do not understand what the 'banterbox' is and how it actually works. Since it's been added, it's been taken over by several members of the community and is used usually for what we call in this community 'banter'. However, we've reached some problems - Some people are complaining about what the 'banterbox' is and what it's used for.

  • A diss of someones mother, usually aimed at 'sleeping with her' or that she 'loves the d'

  • Calling each other names, usually 'faggot' - This word is nothing to do with gay people and does
    not offend gay people (I've asked @Duffy).
How do I respond to banter, if I feel I am been the victim of bantering?
You simply banter back, specialists from all over the world have come together to prove that the only way to solve 'banter abuse' is to fight back with a better 'comeback'

eg: Your mums fanny flaps stretch from Bradford to Iceland.
eg: Well, atleast I have a mum - Yours died in a tragic accident three years ago. Nobody cared though, I mean.. she was a slag anyway.

What do I do if someone has me beat, do I admit defeat?
Usually when quitting, it's seen as "leaving the ring" therefore the other person involved wins. You can however use punchlines such as "I'm off now, going to finger your mum - (Two in pink, one in stink)

Who can I talk to for guidance, who's the people I don't give 'banter'.
@AyJay - A veteran staff member, who's aim in the community now is to ghost around the forums and give criticism. However, in the banterbox he claims a undefeated title of banter.

@Trande - Another veteran staff member, the aim of this lad is to be in the Banterbox at all times and makes sure everything goes accordingly. Usually seen as the 'banter buster'. Currently un-defeated.

@Duffy - A true bantersourous rex, people hide when he puts his fingers to keys as the venom he speaks is totally untreatable. Currently un-defeated.

@Chrissy - Most people see this person as 'funny' - but we see him as a 'banter lord' a person who's main aim in the banterbox is to 'par' people.

The banterbox is usually a place where people take heat off, and just have a laugh - I'd suggest you read the above and understand that whenever you may feel offended by someone just say in the banterbox "Come on man, It's actually offending me now" however don't shout out "1.1" over and over again because that makes people think that you're a bit of a 'faggot' and overall can't take banter so they will carry on doing it.

Hope this didn't offend anyone, I mean - It's simply just for banter and showing people what it's all about.
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I got confused by this thread. The amount of "banter" in this thread was too much for my mind to handle.


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I got absolutely infuriated when you used who's instead of whose