Server Suggestion Show me your driving license.

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Suggestion Title: Show me your driving license.
Suggestion Description: The server suffers from constant vdm and sweaters becoming roadcrew or rich guys with fast cars driving so fast but when stopped it's always a hassle to competently do a traffic stop.

Yes, Perp is a fast paced game, however that doesn't change that RTU exists, sweaters vdm often, criminals want status and giving more to all of them is something we should strive to do just as much as we're aiming balance out the shooting part. Therefore...

I propose driving licenses is added in the form of having all players be given a new status on the PLPD computer which states if they have a valid, expired or no license. They must take a small quiz from the side desk npc to the left of CH entrance and then be placed in a driving school car which they can drive around (maybe a mini cooper to help them learn most?) and be given objectives just like a normal mission on the app.

A player found with an expired license simply gets a 500$ fine and being let go.

They will learn Headlights, Key binds, speed limitations, traffic lights and which one to never casually break (intersection).

After being complete the player will earn a license for 30 days and must renew? i am not certain on the timer that which should expire the player's license however 30 days seem like a lengthy period that it would allow the player to forget or keep up making it more fun to handle having a car.

Why should this be added?:
- RTU Purpose
- More Police Work
- More opportunity for the racers to show off / criminal status
- Teaches new players how to drive legally
- Lessens the amount of VDM
-Helps new players learn the mechanics of driving

What negatives could this have?:
- Too much to code?
- Can make somebody unhappy to get caught lacking with an expired license
What if you are an experienced player and have to wait 2 days for an RTU command to do a driving test with you, walking around and getting the monorail everywhere is something not a lot of players would like to do. I get some sweaters are retards and drive like retards but it's really not hard to learn how to drive and if they purposefully drive bad to intentionally kill or cause damage to another player, thats why we have staff
This suggestion has been denied everytime its suggested
I dont want to wait ages for RTU to give me a license, besides anyone in a fast car will just speed away because its basically impossible for any police cars to catch the top end super cars
Just seems pointless and another slow feature we don't need
@Jake_ @Inchs
I never said anything about RTU training you for your license.... You don't need staff to teach you how to do your phone missions so it's the same thing with the driving test.

Saying "let staff handle them" is literally throwing them for the wolves because if they were rewarded for respecting the law at the start they wouldn't have that minge mindset to begin with.

The whole purpose of mentioning RTU is to shine light on the possibility of a traffic-related legal repercussion for the negligence of renewing one's personal license, Or in layman's terms a punishment delivered by RTU so they have more things to do.
RTU already has plenty to do involving traffic incidents as well as things any other officer has to do
I dont want to spend 10 minutes in a traffic stop dealing with a drivers license because I ran a stop sign
RTU already has plenty to do involving traffic incidents as well as things any other officer has to do
I dont want to spend 10 minutes in a traffic stop dealing with a drivers license because I ran a stop sign
Don't run the stop sign and you won't get stopped lol.
As for the suggestion. I do like it and I think it would add more roleplay to the server which is needed imo.
Don't run the stop sign and you won't get stopped lol.
As for the suggestion. I do like it and I think it would add more roleplay to the server which is needed imo.
I'm under no obligation for follow laws in a car that goes 50 mph faster then the fastest car the pd has
I'm under no obligation for follow laws in a car that goes 50 mph faster then the fastest car the pd has
If you willingly chose to disobey traffic laws. It's your fault your time got wasted not the fault of the PD.
I dont want to spend 10 minutes in a traffic stop dealing with a drivers license because I ran a stop sign
Your fault not the PD. Shouldn't use this to trash the suggestion if you can't take 5 seconds to stop at a stop sign.
If you willingly chose to disobey traffic laws. It's your fault your time got wasted not the fault of the PD.

Your fault not the PD. Shouldn't use this to trash the suggestion if you can't take 5 seconds to stop at a stop sign.
I'm not 'trashing' the suggestion, I said it was a bad idea because it's pointless and doesn't do anything but slow the game down. Plenty of other people agree and this exact suggestion has been denied multiple times over the years.
I'm not 'trashing' the suggestion, I said it was a bad idea because it's pointless and doesn't do anything but slow the game down. Plenty of other people agree and this exact suggestion has been denied multiple times over the years.
"slow the game down," makes no sense? this isn't call of duty it's still meant to be somewhat serious roleplay so I can't see how helping sweaters learn to drive for a reward and not break rules whilst adding more things for a seemingly undermined division "slows the game down."?
"slow the game down," makes no sense? this isn't call of duty it's still meant to be somewhat serious roleplay so I can't see how helping sweaters learn to drive for a reward and not break rules whilst adding more things for a seemingly undermined division "slows the game down."?
In a game where I can murder the entire an entire police force and only spend ten minutes in jail? I don't want to sit in endless traffic stops over ID's which end up being longer then just running or taking a sentence.
The only traffic law it is against the rules to break is running the intersection red light so I'm not sure what you mean by helping sweaters not break rules.
In a game where I can murder the entire an entire police force and only spend ten minutes in jail? I don't want to sit in endless traffic stops over ID's which end up being longer then just running or taking a sentence.
The only traffic law it is against the rules to break is running the intersection red light so I'm not sure what you mean by helping sweaters not break rules.
Driving with due care and attention, headlights, speeding, road markings and signage, vehicle maintanance, collisions, indicators and hazards and probably more all can be labeled using your logic as "slowing the game down," when all they do is provide things for cops to do instead of allow criminals to drive like maniacs. All this does is add another aspect which automatically helps sweaters learn to drive whilst rewarding them for doing things the right way.
And who follows those laws? Literally no one?
when all they do is provide things for cops to do instead of allow criminals to drive like maniacs
These laws are already in place to stop this, why does a drivers license help enforce this? People will continue to drive how they are now and to top it off they've got an unneeded mechanic to deal with now.
If people want to follow traffic laws they can, but there is no 'right way' to drive and if they want to drive following every traffic law it takes literally 30 seconds to read and understand
I still do not understand the need of a drivers license. New players have a brain and aren't always retards and know how a car and road laws work. Making sweaters do a test for a drivers license will not stop them from purposefully running someone over. @MalekisWeird you said that rewarding them for passing the test with a drivers license will stop all the vdms and trouble with traffic stops. It will not at all, not having a drivers license doesn't stop you from driving it just gives you the risk of being caught and fined. The PD is built off people breaking laws as little as running stop signs and a drivers license isn't going to stop laws being broken. It is also a huge waste of time sitting in a traffic stop waiting for the PD to check your drivers license and see if it is renewed or not, this is pretty much the same thing has /me hands ID but adding extra time on top which most perp players don't want
I still do not understand the need of a drivers license. New players have a brain and aren't always retards and know how a car and road laws work. Making sweaters do a test for a drivers license will not stop them from purposefully running someone over. @MalekisWeird you said that rewarding them for passing the test with a drivers license will stop all the vdms and trouble with traffic stops. It will not at all, not having a drivers license doesn't stop you from driving it just gives you the risk of being caught and fined. The PD is built off people breaking laws as little as running stop signs and a drivers license isn't going to stop laws being broken. It is also a huge waste of time sitting in a traffic stop waiting for the PD to check your drivers license and see if it is renewed or not, this is pretty much the same thing has /me hands ID but adding extra time on top which most perp players don't want
I dont see how it'll add anymore time of the traffic stop. When your name is ran in the system your file pops up and it could easily be shown if you have a valid ID or not. At most it would take not even 5 seconds to move my eyes to the other side of the screen. You don't have to worry about time being wasted if you simply don't do anything to get yourself stopped by PLPD. As I said above the only person responsible for their time being wasted is yourself not the police. Don't do it and you won't be stopped. It doesn't take 10 years to check someone's ID like everyone is acting with this "huge waste of time" I got stopped IRL for speeding a couple weeks ago and my stop was done in not even 5 minutes. Traffic stops in the server take even less then 5 mins. Im done with my stops in not even 2 minutes depending on if im writing a citation or not.
I dont see how it'll add anymore time of the traffic stop. When your name is ran in the system your file pops up and it could easily be shown if you have a valid ID or not. At most it would take not even 5 seconds to move my eyes to the other side of the screen. You don't have to worry about time being wasted if you simply don't do anything to get yourself stopped by PLPD. As I said above the only person responsible for their time being wasted is yourself not the police. Don't do it and you won't be stopped. It doesn't take 10 years to check someone's ID like everyone is acting with this "huge waste of time" I got stopped IRL for speeding a couple weeks ago and my stop was done in not even 5 minutes. Traffic stops in the server take even less then 5 mins. Im done with my stops in not even 2 minutes depending on if im writing a citation or not.
My man's never been stopped by Jay hatch.
I dont see how it'll add anymore time of the traffic stop. When your name is ran in the system your file pops up and it could easily be shown if you have a valid ID or not. At most it would take not even 5 seconds to move my eyes to the other side of the screen. You don't have to worry about time being wasted if you simply don't do anything to get yourself stopped by PLPD. As I said above the only person responsible for their time being wasted is yourself not the police. Don't do it and you won't be stopped. It doesn't take 10 years to check someone's ID like everyone is acting with this "huge waste of time" I got stopped IRL for speeding a couple weeks ago and my stop was done in not even 5 minutes. Traffic stops in the server take even less then 5 mins. Im done with my stops in not even 2 minutes depending on if im writing a citation or not.
It will add unnecessary tickets and problems, instead of adding a drivers license to teach new players just add basic tutorials in the mission section? This means not the whole server is affected and it gives sweaters a basic understanding of cars and laws.
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Server Suggestion Driving license