Show off your Minecraft world!

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No clue if there's already a post about this but I've been working on a Hardcore Minecraft world for a while now, here's some random pictures, not close to being done. I'm planning on finishing the village, making a church, and a castle on a hill for now.



update: i have constructed the money printer (theres an alt in there somewhere)


The church with a custom forest next to it that I am working on right now!


Naked trees still yet to be built, if there's one thing I believe I'm good at it's nature stuff and terraforming​
Come on guys show off your dang Minecraft world!
Bro I don't understand how you build such things in Hardcore, I struggle enough making that in creative, well done.
I play modded and have a decent world but all screenshots are pretty shite so won't send now.
What I taught myself with Hardcore is to stay as underleveled as possible. I had a Hardcore world of 3 years that I ditched cause I was completely overpowered, I had a fully functional automatic base with all the farms anyone could ever need, auto sorters, auto everything, so, I decided to re-do everything.

I got a nice seed from a random website of a ginormous island that I can make all my cool builds on over the months and years ( I don't like lands that span over thousands of blocks, so I specifically looked for a massive island ), got me a spot, and just started to build what I always wanted to build; a village with a shit load of stuff to look at.

I like to make stuff I actually use, like the church for example I specifically built to bury any pets that died, or just funny characters I named. And the farm fields are actually useful cause they give me emeralds; I don't want to automate anything anymore, it gives me a reason to get on my world and do stuff, and look forward to doing this or that.

Hardcore also just gives me a feeling of accomplishment; I didn't die once and made all of this in one life.
A castle I built in my old Hardcore world, took me a bit of time and is still probably one of my favo builds
Random terraformed place with a double waterfall I made in my old Hardcore world​
the church for example I specifically built to bury any pets that died, or just funny characters I named.
Lmao that's a nice way to give tribute to pets, I usually just make a grave with a small memorial.
Hardcore also just gives me a feeling of accomplishment; I didn't die once and made all of this in one life.
Yeahh that's what impresses me the most, especially buidling that hot air balloon, I would probably fall to my death multiple times trying to buid that, or any of the detailed roofs.

View from the top of the church, the forest to the right is finished, it took me quite some time to make all the trees, all it needs is stuff added to it.

To this day this still remains the best PERPHeads Minecraft project I have ever been apart of. I kinda burnt myself out on it, still disappointed I never finished stonehenge
Does the server still exist? Or, is there still a map download somewhere?

I see my name in the special thanks but I don't even remember what I built hahahahaha

This whole thread makes me want to have my bi-yearly 2-week Minecraft phase and then say goodbye for another year or two.