Smelling drugs

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The Death Star
got a quick discussion as I tried it yesterday but a guy went ape-shit at me

so I was informed by an undercover informant (literally the biggest grass in Paralake) that Subs 4 had drugs in it so I knocked on the door and asked to speak to him (I had no warrant or power of entry)

so i did /desc Do I smell drugs?

and he responded /desc no

If he was lying, would that be in breach of a rule AND is using that way allowed

P.S. by ape-shit I mean he started LOOC'ing "meta much" ect
Stuff like that just shouldn't be a thing to be honest. I mean sure, it creates roleplay and such. But if you think about it, this will just lead to the police knocking on everyone's door asking if they can 'smell' drugs. We can only take roleplay so far mate.
It's generally frowned upon because the chance if it being heavily abused is high.
This would generally just allow a cop to walk up to a house, knock on the door and when they open do a "/desc Do I smell drugs"
You probably don't know this, but this happened quite a while ago, when @ErmakDimon said something along the lines of "I smell weed.." and raided a house for it.

To answer your question;

You cannot just go ahead and raid an apartment/a house for 'smelling of drugs'. This would just allow all officers to instantly be able to know if drugs are inside of the apartment, and that is not something that we want.