Soldering and pretty much anything involving electricty

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gotta love that 240volts trough your fingers amirite

I really like doing projects where i just make shit. And i will probably post my projects here including a time-lapse of mlg soldering work.
Was wondering if anybody else likes to fiddle around with old boards and repair them, or create their complete own circuits and devices.

Previous projects without any footage:
Made a house alarm, key switch, 12v supply and big fat alarm and light outside. Still working. Never went on falsely.
When key is inserted and turned on, circuit is not completed until two magnet things arent in contact with eachother anymore(door==wall), gonna fix it with a relay that completes the shit and triggers the light and alarm

Current project:
I fucking hate traffic, so im making my own horn thing on my bike. Compare it to the horn of a moped.
Wow. I used to do some very simple and basic things when i was younger, but i kinda lost interest in it, and went for programming instead.

I'd love to see a video of that alarm circuit, it sounds really awesome!
I recently made a battery pack out of li ion cells i got cheap, this is because i personally find all of this interesting. And because this is exactly how the Tesla battery is build.

It involved lots of soldering.

The pack holds 1KwH of power and can power my desktop computer for a few hours. Or a (big)laptop for a few days. I have a inverter that converts 10.5-16.5V to 220V.

Wow. I used to do some very simple and basic things when i was younger, but i kinda lost interest in it, and went for programming instead.

I'd love to see a video of that alarm circuit, it sounds really awesome!

I will do some repairs tomorrow on that and ill try to show ya a vid. Broke the relay and magnet so the thing works on a clip and tinfoil xd

Make a train horn work on your bike :kappa:
They dont use electricity, i just need a trailer and an air compressor :kappa:


and went for programming instead.
Combine both with arduino
Well i made my own cooling thingy with ice and a bunch of old PC fans, plugged it in > rip electricity
Well i made my own cooling thingy with ice and a bunch of old PC fans, plugged it in > rip electricity

Haha! Made that aswell, but the massive bucket that i had filled with ice had broken without knowing it. I swear, 1cm of fucking cold water when i came upstairs around 4 hours later. Not funny.
I also made my own portable phone charger, and I was surprised that it worked.
(On phone and can't find the edit button)
I once went to maplin and bought myself a few little bits and put together a little annoying alarm thing with a strobe light, no idea why, just thought it was cool really.

Wish I had a picture it looked like shit.
I love doing systems type stuff. Only issue is that my project was great until I put in the wrong capacitor and it glowed white hot and fried ;(
I'm great at the circuit stuff.
This is actually pretty awesome. It's just a clock Mr President :booty: Would love to see some videos of your work when it's complete.
I pretty much love soldering. Best thing of it all is when you think that your soldering iron was already cold, touch it at the top and get your finger tips burnt .... sad thing this happens to me about every fifth time ..... and people call me an intelligence beast. However I used to built my own house alarm (wrecked by my cat) and a lovely ice dispenser, which made its own ice aswell (again, wrecked by my cat .... should maybe keep that stuff away from him). Thats only some of the stuff, forgot most of it already. I started out with doing all that stuff back in primary school and got kind of stuck to it. My next project is gonna be my own car *whoopwhoop*, but thats gonna be in some time (either gotta learn for school exams or state exams if the fucking Department of Education calls back and tells me when I can fucking take them).
I recently bought myself a soldering iron and a Dremel rotary tool, haven't had much spare time recently due to exams but here's some stuff I made.

I ripped out the laser diode from my old DVD player and grabbed some watch batteries to make a little laser pointer.



I also used a step down 5V DC voltage regulator and a 9V battery as a portable (semi-portable) phone charger, it's not the most effective creation as I run it with a 9V battery that draws about 600mAh compared to the 2200mAh you can get from a freebie powerbar from EE it was good fun making it though.


I think in a few months when I get some more spare time I'll tear apart our old microwave and see if I can get a half decent electromagnet made.
I do a lot of work involving electronics in my free time, it used to be mainly just at-home tinkering, however now, my new school had a workshop type place that supplies pretty much anything. I did some work in my spare time there making a funny little machine that evidently opens an umbrella but goes through a whole bunch of steps first, I did a bunch of ridiculously hard wiring involving relays, timers, motors, switches and what not to create a pretty much perfect and in sync mechanism for the machine. Besides that, I've made my own welder and plasma cutter that runs off batteries, two coil guns, an overcharged milk frother, a radio, and a mortar. I usually wire up some random shit on the side for fun, but I put a lot of time into learning this stuff myself and just building some cool things out of stuff I find laying around.