[SOLVED] GTA V-Objects/Textures Flickering/not loading

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I have no idea what causes it, but after approximately 5 mins of play the textures and objects load in low quality and are flickering and disappearing. I'm using the optimal settings in the GeForce experience, specs:

Video of the issue:
This happened to me on my old PC. Launch your game and before it loads, Go into task manager>click "Details">scroll down until you find gtav.exe>right click and select "Set Priority">Select "High". This should prevent this from happening. Also repeat these steps on gtavlauncher.exe except set the priority to "Low"
Ok by the looks of it to me you have mods installed. The game may not like a few mods that you have installed as they chance models and textures from what they originally where. Vehicle mods for example are mostly HD meaning it makes the size of the files bigger in to have the HD textures and what not and if you put too many in it will lower your fps and also cause texture problems like the ones you are seeing in the video you have shown me. Now, the fixes... The mains fix is to either update your drivers if not done already. Uninstall all of your mods and only install the ones that you feel like you need. The best bit of precaution is to find out what mod is causing the errors. You can do this by every time you install a mod. Make a backup in case of an error and then launch the game. If it goes ok then install the next mod and so on. Once you find the mod that messes up your game. Use the backup and revert back the changes the mod made and then never install the mod again. Another thing you could try is setting the GTA V process to above normal. The reason why I have said to use this and not the high one is because it's effected on ALL processors. Another thing you could do is to install this, https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/lag-world-not-loading-fix-simple-easy This basically is a fix for many people for their game. The way you use this is to start up your GTA V normally then start the script. Then press space and it should sort it. It will set the priority and get rid of any unnecessary processes that pushes hard on the game which may cause the texture issues. In conclusion, Try the 5 fixes I have stated below.

1. Set the process of GTA V to either Above normal or High.
2. Uninstall mods and find the one that is causing the issue and bare in mind that the more mods you have the lower the performance your game can run. (I have explained how to do this above)
3. Use this script. https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/lag-world-not-loading-fix-simple-easy (Press space to activate when you have loaded in your game.
4. Uninstall any HD mods. If your game is having graphical issues then there is no point in increasing the looks of the game.
5. Try lowering your game settings. Especialy EDF (Extended Distance Scaling)

If I have missed anything out then please tell me more about the issues you are experiencing with your game.
If you have the time to then please state all the mods you have installed.

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Apparently solved, uninstalled the Battlefield weapons pack, I've noticed its textures were flickering all the time so I suspected it. Most likely the models and textures were just too high res and the game just couldn't handle it, thanks to all who tried to help
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