Some good things must come to an end.

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United Kingdom
Hey all.

So, gonna be brief for this part here. For the reason why I don't have my Moderator position anymore is that I was demoted for an incident that occurred a few days which led to me receiving an accepted staff complaint and I do admit that my actions were absolutely silly of me and I accept that I made the mistake and accept the punishment that was given to me.

With that said, as school has started back up now and I'm in Sixth Form, which is a big step up from secondary school and the fact it's a brand new school and due to my social awkwardness, it's tricky adapting to make new friends, etc, and the step up from GCSEs to A-Levels is quite large so I need to get my head in the game and focus down so I can do well for whatever the future is that lies ahead for me. So I won't be as active as I normally am to focus on school but I will still be on the server on occasion.

I do want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has supported throughout these 2 years that I have been on Perpheads for. There are so many people that I could tag which would take me forever to grab all the names of. But I would very much like to thank @MrLewis, @Bolli and all the other admins that gave me this amazing opportunity to serve this community as a staff member. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with you guys and everyone else in the staff team and I am deeply sorry for letting you all down with this demotion.

But now's the time to look towards the future and put the past behind me. As Dr. Seuss would say "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

Thanks again for everything everyone! While this may be a time where I hit rock-bottom, things can only get better~
A demotion isn't always the end and you can reapply and become staff again, it's worked and has been proven in the past. Honestly I messed up by lying to @Bolli but he caught me out and yeah I regret it. You was a good staff member but a nobhead when it come to drifting at intersection, keep in touch on meta ts and sign the yearly contracts.
I would just like to say that it's been an absolute pleasure working with you as a moderator despite your sad ending to your time as a moderator you did perform exceptionally during reports and I'm sure everyone would agree that you tried your best. I wish you the best of luck with your six form and I hope it all goes the way you want it.
Again it's been amazing! Cya around.
Was always a pleasure playing with you before you was even a staff member, one of the only genuine nice guys in the community.
It was great working with you super, you adapted by everyday, dunno what you did to get demoted, I Hope you Will some day re-apply as you've proven yourself to a lot of people that you're capable of Holding a staff position rule wise. Focus on college and all then come back pal
Well super , you are a friend and I wisht you the best of luck with school etc dude! Make sure to re apply when you can! , We need kool kids like you in the staff team
The incident of which got you demoted was a shame and I'll leave it completely up to you with whether you tell anyone details, you've been a great lad whose always been willing to help others. Hope you reapply after you have got into the college schedule. :)
Mrlewis has gone mad with power hes executing the lesser mods left right and center
You were an amazing moderator and a very nice person, good luck with sixth form and I hope you can make a return soon.
You were a good Moderator, Jack. I just hope you'll re-apply in the foreseeable future. Anyway, good look with six form and I hope to see you around. :)
why are all the good staff demoted/leaving?!?!?! also don't say that they aren't good if demoted, people make mistakes and some get the punishment some don't

fed up of tom hill already m8
why are all the good staff demoted/leaving?!?!?! also don't say that they aren't good if demoted, people make mistakes and some get the punishment some don't

fed up of tom hill already m8
Why tom hill? Just because his RP is different Doesn't mean he breaks the rules, everyone makes mistakes, and honestly, i wouldn't see it coming from super, i agree with that, but im pretty sure he's human so