Something pretty creepy

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Aight. So me and @julianjorgensen1 and another one of my freinds, went to this pretty old factory in out city.

The building was a Voss(Later to be known as Electrolux) factory.

Picture of the factory before it shut down


That picture is probably taken years ago, since the building now has just about no windows that arent broken.

The factory was shut down a couple of years ago(Couldnt find the exact date) and is now a huge ghost building.

So me and my freinds ventured into this building and had a look, and we found a bunch of creepy stuff.

All rooms were completely destroyed. Walls had been shattered, windows had been broken, electrical appliances had been ripped out and even water pipes had been broken down.

Almost every wall had a bunch of grafitti on them. Some of this was artwork, while other stuff was basicly just random sentences like but some of them were pretty creepy like "Murders, Murder, Murders them" together with wierd faces and paintings.

This is what looks to be an outline of a man, with the letter "F" in the middle. What made this even more creepy is the fact that we saw this symbol many places around the factory. This raises questions like "What does F mean? What is this a symbol for?"


The factory is said to be used as a shelter by Homeless and Druggies, which just adds even more creepy to the place.

All power has been shut down long time ago, meaning that there is no light anywhere.

The factory has lots of rooms, and some are extremely huge. It has upper floors aswell as a basement.

At one time we went down into the basement. This place was pitch black and we had to use out phones as flashlights to see. Shortly after entering the place, i hear a sound from behind me. I inform my freind about this, but just said that it was the wind or something. Suddenl we hear a very loud slam which sounded like a door closing behind us. We instantly panicked and just ran thru the basement looking for a way up. We quickly found our escape, and we decided to never go down there again.

The factory was placed next to a big red building which used to be a school. We also entered this and i captured these images in there:



After being inside the school for a while, we entered the factory again. This time we saw a bunch of creepy things inside the bit rooms:

This was a dried out blood stain on the floor, and some bird footprints


A rope probably intended for suicide

Some pictures of the big rooms:



A stairway leading down to pitch darkness. We did not go down there.

At last, as we were walking in one of the big rooms, we heard a loud slam sound, familiar to the one we heard in the basement. At this point we had no interest in staying there, so we just ran out of the building.

I did collect one item from the building. This is a emergency procedure instruction. It seemed to had been hung in a picture frame.

Pictures from day two

What are your thoughts on this place?
Do you find it creepy?
Would u go in there if u had the chance?

Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments;)
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What does the F mean?
F is for friends that do stuff together!
F is for fire that burns down the whole town!
"Hey, guys. Common, we put this rope there and draw men with f's on their chest on the walls. I bet we'll scare some kids with it."
The man with the F in the middle could be meaning fire? had previously been in the building.
But this looks like someone swung on the rope to kick the plasterboard off the wall.

Nice urbexing find
Guys. Ive been thinking of going in there again sometime soon. This time i will bring my gopro with me and record the thing. What do u guys think? Should i do it.

Worthy of mentioning: This building is unstable and extremely damaged. Several parts of the roof have colapsed over time. Entering this building is not safe in any level whatsoever.

The building is actually due to be demolished sometime this year since nobody has been interested in buying the place. In my opinion its about taking footage of the place before its too late.
I tell you what, go in there with a live twitch cam or some shit so staff knows to close the enforcer app or not if you go missing.
This place looks so awesome. Gotta be careful of Asbestos though if people have been knocking down walls and such. I just wish the old home for mentally ill didn't get knocked down near me. Closed since 09 and it was just so freaky in there. Great fun though!
After I did my GCSE's back in 2013 we had a ton of time off so me and a group of (now ex) mates went urbexing to a local site known as Holton Health Cordite Factory or what we used to call "the labs". The site was massive and also very creepy. It's littered with abandoned buildings, underground shelters, destroyed buildings, even an anti-aircraft tower. During the wars it was used for collecting cordite for ammunition for the Royal Navy.
Check out these links to see some cool pictures and information, it's worth the read.,_Holton_Heath